As mentioned in some previous posts, I have been doing a bunch of work for a company called Zimt. They have a software product that runs on an SAP instance, and provides a JSON based api for apps to communicate with SAP. In this post, I am going to build an application that uses this technology to display a list of purchase orders, and allows users to create/copy/update them.
Phase I: Mapping out the zpack posts
First thing I am going to do is figure out what the request and response payloads need to look like to interact with the zpacks. First thing I want to do is get a list of purchase orders to let the user look at. In zimt, this is done by making a call to the zpack
So you can see from here that the request just requires the user name of the person who you are viewing the purchase order list as. The response comes back with an array of objects containing a bunch of data about each purchase order, including a list of line items with some details. That’s a lot of information we can pick through to decide what relevant information to display on our purchase order list.
Next thing we want to be able to do is drill down deeper into a single purchase order. While the list call above gives us some useful information to use when displaying for a list, it doesn’t contain all of the necessary information we’d need to recreate purchase order inside of SAP. To do that, we need to make another zpack call:
{ "PO_NUMBER": "4500022399" }
{ "JSON": { "RESPONSE": [ { "PO_NUMBER": "4500022399", "VENDOR": { "NUMBER": "0000001010", "NAME": "Sunny Electronics GmbH", "ADDRESS": "Rosenstr. 77", "ZIP": "72345", "CITY": "Stuttgart", "STATE": "08" }, "CATEGORY": "", "ORDERED": 12806.8, "DELIVERED": 0, "PENDING_DELIVERY": 12806.8, "INVOICED": 0, "DOWN_PAYMENTS": 0, "REMAINING_BALANCE": 0, "TYPE": "NB", "CREATOR": "AROSENTHAL", "STATUS": "9", "PURCHASEORG": "1000", "PURCHASEGRP": "001", "CURRENCY": "USD", "LINEITEMS": [ { "LINEITEM": "00010", "CHANGEDON": "0000-00-00", "SHORTTEXT": "Rohling für Spiralgehäuse", "MATERIALNUMBER": "T-M15A14", "CO_CODE": "1000", "PLANT": "1000", "STORAGELOCATION": "0001", "TRACKINGNUMBER": "", "MATERIALGROUP": "001", "VENDORMATNUMBER": "", "TARGETQUANTITY": 0, "QUANTITY": 100, "UOM": "ST", "ORDERPRICEUNIT": "ST", "NETPRICE": 10, "PRICEUNIT": 81, "NETVALUE": 1000, "GROSSVALUE": 0, "GRTIMEINDAYS": 0, "SALESTAX": "", "STOCKTYPE": "", "ITEMCATEGORY": "0", "BASEUOM": "", "CUSTOMER": "", "ACCASSIGNMENT": "", "SCHEDULES": [ { "SERIAL_NO": "0000", "DEL_DATCAT": "D", "DELIV_DATE": "31.0-3.-20", "DELIV_TIME": "00:00:00", "QUANTITY": 100, "PREQ_NO": "", "PREQ_ITEM": "00000" } ], "ACCOUNT_ASSIGNMENTS": [ { "SERIAL_NO": "01", "QUANTITY": 100, "SD_DOC": "", "SDOC_ITEM": "000000", "GR_RCPT": "", "CONTROLLING_AREA": "", "COST_OBJECT": "", "COST_OBJECT_TYPE": "K", "NETWORKS": { "NETWORK": "", "DESCRIPTION": "", "ACTIVITY": "", "ACTIVITY_DESCRIPTION": "" }, "COST_CENTERS": { "COST_CENTER": "0000001230", "DESCRIPTION": "Power", "NAME": "" }, "GL_ACCOUNTS": { "GL_ACCOUNT": "0000400000", "SHORT_TEXT": "Consumptn, raw mat.1", "LONG_TEXT": "Consumption, raw material 1", "CHRT_ACCTS": "INT", "ACCT_CURR": "EUR" }, "ORDERS": { "ORDER_NUMBER": "", "DESCRIPTION": "", "ORDER_TYPE": "", "ORDER_TYPE_DESC": "", "PLANT": "", "LOCATION": "", "EQUIPMENT": "", "EQUIPMENT_DESCRIPTION": "", "WORKCENTER": "", "FUNCTIONAL_DESCRIPTION": "" }, "SALES_ORDERS": { "ORDER": "", "LINE_ITEM": "000000", "DELIVERY_SCHEDULE": "0000" }, "WBS": { "PROJECT_DEFINITION": "", "PROJECT_DESCRIPTION": "", "WBS_ELEMENT": "", "WBS_DESCRIPTION": "" }, "ALLOCATION": 100 } ], "HISTORY": [], "LINEITEMTEXTS": [] }, { "LINEITEM": "00020", "CHANGEDON": "0000-00-00", "SHORTTEXT": "Flachdichtung", "MATERIALNUMBER": "T-M15B14", "CO_CODE": "1000", "PLANT": "1000", "STORAGELOCATION": "0001", "TRACKINGNUMBER": "", "MATERIALGROUP": "001", "VENDORMATNUMBER": "", "TARGETQUANTITY": 0, "QUANTITY": 200, "UOM": "ST", "ORDERPRICEUNIT": "ST", "NETPRICE": 50, "PRICEUNIT": 81, "NETVALUE": 10000, "GROSSVALUE": 0, "GRTIMEINDAYS": 0, "SALESTAX": "", "STOCKTYPE": "", "ITEMCATEGORY": "0", "BASEUOM": "", "CUSTOMER": "", "ACCASSIGNMENT": "", "SCHEDULES": [ { "SERIAL_NO": "0000", "DEL_DATCAT": "D", "DELIV_DATE": "31.0-3.-20", "DELIV_TIME": "00:00:00", "QUANTITY": 100, "PREQ_NO": "", "PREQ_ITEM": "00000" }, { "SERIAL_NO": "0000", "DEL_DATCAT": "D", "DELIV_DATE": "31.0-3.-20", "DELIV_TIME": "00:00:00", "QUANTITY": 100, "PREQ_NO": "", "PREQ_ITEM": "00000" } ], "ACCOUNT_ASSIGNMENTS": [ { "SERIAL_NO": "01", "QUANTITY": 200, "SD_DOC": "", "SDOC_ITEM": "000000", "GR_RCPT": "", "CONTROLLING_AREA": "", "COST_OBJECT": "", "COST_OBJECT_TYPE": "K", "NETWORKS": { "NETWORK": "", "DESCRIPTION": "", "ACTIVITY": "", "ACTIVITY_DESCRIPTION": "" }, "COST_CENTERS": { "COST_CENTER": "0000001230", "DESCRIPTION": "Power", "NAME": "" }, "GL_ACCOUNTS": { "GL_ACCOUNT": "0000400000", "SHORT_TEXT": "Consumptn, raw mat.1", "LONG_TEXT": "Consumption, raw material 1", "CHRT_ACCTS": "INT", "ACCT_CURR": "EUR" }, "ORDERS": { "ORDER_NUMBER": "", "DESCRIPTION": "", "ORDER_TYPE": "", "ORDER_TYPE_DESC": "", "PLANT": "", "LOCATION": "", "EQUIPMENT": "", "EQUIPMENT_DESCRIPTION": "", "WORKCENTER": "", "FUNCTIONAL_DESCRIPTION": "" }, "SALES_ORDERS": { "ORDER": "", "LINE_ITEM": "000000", "DELIVERY_SCHEDULE": "0000" }, "WBS": { "PROJECT_DEFINITION": "", "PROJECT_DESCRIPTION": "", "WBS_ELEMENT": "", "WBS_DESCRIPTION": "" }, "ALLOCATION": 100 } ], "HISTORY": [], "LINEITEMTEXTS": [] }, { "LINEITEM": "00030", "CHANGEDON": "0000-00-00", "SHORTTEXT": "HD GLAD BOY Tank silber", "MATERIALNUMBER": "1300-340", "CO_CODE": "1000", "PLANT": "1000", "STORAGELOCATION": "", "TRACKINGNUMBER": "", "MATERIALGROUP": "001", "VENDORMATNUMBER": "", "TARGETQUANTITY": 0, "QUANTITY": 20, "UOM": "ST", "ORDERPRICEUNIT": "ST", "NETPRICE": 90.34, "PRICEUNIT": 1, "NETVALUE": 1806.8, "GROSSVALUE": 0, "GRTIMEINDAYS": 0, "SALESTAX": "", "STOCKTYPE": "", "ITEMCATEGORY": "0", "BASEUOM": "", "CUSTOMER": "", "ACCASSIGNMENT": "", "SCHEDULES": [ { "SERIAL_NO": "0000", "DEL_DATCAT": "D", "DELIV_DATE": "24.0-3.-20", "DELIV_TIME": "00:00:00", "QUANTITY": 10, "PREQ_NO": "", "PREQ_ITEM": "00000" }, { "SERIAL_NO": "0000", "DEL_DATCAT": "D", "DELIV_DATE": "24.0-3.-20", "DELIV_TIME": "00:00:00", "QUANTITY": 10, "PREQ_NO": "", "PREQ_ITEM": "00000" } ], "ACCOUNT_ASSIGNMENTS": [ { "SERIAL_NO": "01", "QUANTITY": 20, "SD_DOC": "", "SDOC_ITEM": "000000", "GR_RCPT": "", "CONTROLLING_AREA": "", "COST_OBJECT": "", "COST_OBJECT_TYPE": "K", "NETWORKS": { "NETWORK": "", "DESCRIPTION": "", "ACTIVITY": "", "ACTIVITY_DESCRIPTION": "" }, "COST_CENTERS": { "COST_CENTER": "0000001230", "DESCRIPTION": "Power", "NAME": "" }, "GL_ACCOUNTS": { "GL_ACCOUNT": "0000400000", "SHORT_TEXT": "Consumptn, raw mat.1", "LONG_TEXT": "Consumption, raw material 1", "CHRT_ACCTS": "INT", "ACCT_CURR": "EUR" }, "ORDERS": { "ORDER_NUMBER": "", "DESCRIPTION": "", "ORDER_TYPE": "", "ORDER_TYPE_DESC": "", "PLANT": "", "LOCATION": "", "EQUIPMENT": "", "EQUIPMENT_DESCRIPTION": "", "WORKCENTER": "", "FUNCTIONAL_DESCRIPTION": "" }, "SALES_ORDERS": { "ORDER": "", "LINE_ITEM": "000000", "DELIVERY_SCHEDULE": "0000" }, "WBS": { "PROJECT_DEFINITION": "", "PROJECT_DESCRIPTION": "", "WBS_ELEMENT": "", "WBS_DESCRIPTION": "" }, "ALLOCATION": 100 } ], "HISTORY": [], "LINEITEMTEXTS": [] } ], "HEADER_TEXTS": [] } ] } }'ZIMT.ZPACK.MM.PO'&Zipped=''&Inhalt='{"JSON":{"REQUEST":{"PO_NUMBER":"4500022399"}}}'
This call brings back a whole lot more stuff about that specific purchase order, and also serves as a template for what fields are required to write a purchase order back to SAP. So there’s a lot of information we’re going to need to be able to control about this PO to make allow the user to create. Right at the top we see that we’re going to need to provide a VENDOR object to the PO, which means we’re going to have have access to a list of vendors to pick from. Then there’s also foreign keys like PURCHASEGRP and PURCHASEORG which are going to need to be a pick list of more understandable labels. The lineitems themselves have a bunch of similar information that needs to be referenced from a list of valid ids inside of SAP. In order to populate all this data inside our application, we have to leverage a few different zpacks.
In order to get the proper data out of the zpacks, you need to seperate the required data objects into two groups, those that are at the purchase order header level, and those that are at the purchase order line item level. The enumerators for the PO header are pretty easy
(Can leave blank)
{ "JSON": { "DROPDOWNS": [{ "ENUM_ID": "DropdownSelectors", "ENUMS": [{ "NAME": "Company Code By Plant", "VALUE": "CCODE-C001" }, { "NAME": "Company Codes", "VALUE": "CCODE-C000" }, { "NAME": "Controlling Area By Company Code", "VALUE": "COAREA-CA01" }, { "NAME": "Controlling Areas", "VALUE": "COAREA-CA00" }, { "NAME": "Cost Centers By Company Code", "VALUE": "CCENTER-CT01" }, { "NAME": "Tax Codes By Country", "VALUE": "TAXCD-TX01" }, { "NAME": "Unit Of Measure By Dimension", "VALUE": "UOM-U001" }, { "NAME": "Unit Of Measure Dimensions", "VALUE": "UOMDIMS-UMD1" }] }, { "ENUM_ID": "OrderTypes", "ENUMS": [{ "NAME": "Dummy purchase order", "VALUE": "DB" }, { "NAME": "TM-DIT: Standard PO", "VALUE": "DIT1" }, { "NAME": "EC PO Direct 300", "VALUE": "DP00" }, { "NAME": "Electronic Comm. SRM", "VALUE": "EC" }, { "NAME": "Direct Procurem. SRM", "VALUE": "ECDP" }, { "NAME": "Extended Classic SRM", "VALUE": "ECEC" }, { "NAME": "Standard PO DFPS", "VALUE": "ENB" }, { "NAME": "Stock Transp. 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Returns ccSTO", "VALUE": "NB2C" }, { "NAME": "Standard PO", "VALUE": "PO" }, { "NAME": "Purchase order", "VALUE": "REQ" }, { "NAME": "Transport order", "VALUE": "TB" }, { "NAME": "S.T.O", "VALUE": "UB" }, { "NAME": "Advanced Returns STO", "VALUE": "UB2" }, { "NAME": "IDES - GTS PO", "VALUE": "ZGT1" }, { "NAME": "RMC - Standard PO", "VALUE": "ZRMC" }, { "NAME": "Purchase Order SNC", "VALUE": "ZSNC" }, { "NAME": "TM Standard PO", "VALUE": "ZTM" }, { "NAME": "S.T.O", "VALUE": "ZTUB" }, { "NAME": "STO TYPE", "VALUE": "ZUB" }, { "NAME": "TestVB", "VALUE": "ZVB" }, { "NAME": "SNC COMA PO", "VALUE": "Z_SC" }] }, { "ENUM_ID": "ItemCategory", "ENUMS": [{ "NAME": "Standard", "VALUE": "" }, { "NAME": "Limit", "VALUE": "B" }, { "NAME": "Consignment", "VALUE": "K" }, { "NAME": "Subcontracting", "VALUE": "L" }, { "NAME": "Material unknown", "VALUE": "M" }, { "NAME": "Third-party", "VALUE": "S" }, { "NAME": "Text", "VALUE": "T" }, { "NAME": "Stock transfer", "VALUE": "U" }, { "NAME": "Material 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"Settlement cust ord.", "VALUE": "Z" }] }, { "ENUM_ID": "POHeaderTextKey", "ENUMS": [{ "NAME": "Header text", "VALUE": "F01" }, { "NAME": "Header note", "VALUE": "F02" }, { "NAME": "Pricing types", "VALUE": "F03" }, { "NAME": "Deadlines", "VALUE": "F04" }, { "NAME": "Terms of delivery", "VALUE": "F05" }, { "NAME": "Shipping instructions", "VALUE": "F06" }, { "NAME": "Terms of payment", "VALUE": "F07" }, { "NAME": "Warranties", "VALUE": "F08" }, { "NAME": "Penalty for breach of contract", "VALUE": "F09" }, { "NAME": "Guarantees", "VALUE": "F10" }, { "NAME": "Contract riders (clauses)", "VALUE": "F11" }, { "NAME": "Asset", "VALUE": "F12" }, { "NAME": "Other contractual stipulations", "VALUE": "F13" }, { "NAME": "Delivery", "VALUE": "F14" }, { "NAME": "Vendor memo (general)", "VALUE": "F15" }, { "NAME": "Vendor memo (special)", "VALUE": "F16" }, { "NAME": "Test 21", "VALUE": "F17" }] }, { "ENUM_ID": "POLineItemTextKey", "ENUMS": [{ "NAME": "Item text", "VALUE": "F01" }, { "NAME": "Info 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"ZR01" }, { "NAME": "2nd installment R001 (30 days)", "VALUE": "ZR02" }, { "NAME": "3rd installment R001 (45 days)", "VALUE": "ZR03" }] }, { "ENUM_ID": "Incoterms", "ENUMS": [{ "NAME": "Costs and freight", "VALUE": "CFR" }, { "NAME": "Costs, insurance & freight", "VALUE": "CIF" }, { "NAME": "Insured freight-free", "VALUE": "CIP" }, { "NAME": "COD", "VALUE": "COD" }, { "NAME": "Freight-free", "VALUE": "CPT" }, { "NAME": "Border delivered", "VALUE": "DAF" }, { "NAME": "Freight-free", "VALUE": "DCP" }, { "NAME": "Delivered cleared by customs", "VALUE": "DDP" }, { "NAME": "Delivered not cleared by cust.", "VALUE": "DDU" }, { "NAME": "Delivered from quay (cleared)", "VALUE": "DEQ" }, { "NAME": "Delivered from ship", "VALUE": "DES" }, { "NAME": "Delivered from quay (cleared)", "VALUE": "EXQ" }, { "NAME": "Delivered from ship", "VALUE": "EXS" }, { "NAME": "From plant", "VALUE": "EXW" }, { "NAME": "Free along side", "VALUE": "FAS" }, { "NAME": "Free freight", "VALUE": "FCA" }, { "NAME": "Free 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{ "NAME": "Mass flow", "VALUE": "MASFLO" }, { "NAME": "Mass", "VALUE": "MASS" }, { "NAME": "Pressure", "VALUE": "MASSBD" }, { "NAME": "Molar energy", "VALUE": "MOENER" }, { "NAME": "MOLMAS", "VALUE": "MOLMAS" }, { "NAME": "Mole quantity", "VALUE": "MOLQU" }, { "NAME": "Proportion", "VALUE": "MPROPO" }, { "NAME": "Permeability", "VALUE": "PERMEA" }, { "NAME": "Points", "VALUE": "POINTS" }, { "NAME": "Power", "VALUE": "POWER" }, { "NAME": "Pressure", "VALUE": "PRESS" }, { "NAME": "Proportion", "VALUE": "PROPOR" }, { "NAME": "Elec.resistance", "VALUE": "RESIST" }, { "NAME": "Rounds", "VALUE": "ROUNDS" }, { "NAME": "Excess pressure", "VALUE": "SDL" }, { "NAME": "Sound Pressure Level", "VALUE": "SNDPLV" }, { "NAME": "Spec. equivalent", "VALUE": "SPAEQU" }, { "NAME": "Spec.act.radioac.sub", "VALUE": "SPARAD" }, { "NAME": "Speed", "VALUE": "SPEED" }, { "NAME": "Specific energy", "VALUE": "SPENER" }, { "NAME": "Spec. Heat Capacity", "VALUE": "SPHCAP" }, { "NAME": "Sp. Elec. Resistance", "VALUE": "SPREST" }, { "NAME": "Dust explosion ratio", "VALUE": "STEXKZ" }, { "NAME": "Area", "VALUE": "SURFAC" }, { "NAME": "Surface tension", "VALUE": "SURFTE" }, { "NAME": "Inverse area", "VALUE": "SURINV" }, { "NAME": "Temperature", "VALUE": "TEMP" }, { "NAME": "Rate of temp. change", "VALUE": "TEMPRT" }, { "NAME": "Heat Conductivity", "VALUE": "THCOND" }, { "NAME": "Time", "VALUE": "TIME" }, { "NAME": "Particle concentrat.", "VALUE": "TKONZ" }, { "NAME": "Dynamic viscosity", "VALUE": "VISDYN" }, { "NAME": "Kinematic viscosity", "VALUE": "VISKIN" }, { "NAME": "Volume rate of flow", "VALUE": "VOLFLO" }, { "NAME": "Elec.voltage", "VALUE": "VOLTAG" }, { "NAME": "Volume", "VALUE": "VOLUME" }, { "NAME": "Volume proportion", "VALUE": "VPROPO" }, { "NAME": "Attenuation", "VALUE": "ZATTN" }, { "NAME": "capac. betn conduct.", "VALUE": "ZCAPM" }, { "NAME": "Core factor", "VALUE": "ZCOREF" }, { "NAME": "Rate of rise current", "VALUE": "ZCURRR" }, { "NAME": "Dissipation (Elec)", "VALUE": "ZDISS" }, { "NAME": "Electromotive force", "VALUE": "ZEMF" }, { "NAME": "Heat capacity", "VALUE": "ZHECA" }, { "NAME": "Inductance", "VALUE": "ZINDUC" }, { "NAME": "Inertia", "VALUE": "ZINERT" }, { "NAME": "Nominal capacity", "VALUE": "ZNOMCA" }, { "NAME": "Offset current", "VALUE": "ZOFCUR" }, { "NAME": "Responsivity (Elec)", "VALUE": "ZRESP" }, { "NAME": "Specific capacitance", "VALUE": "ZSPCAP" }, { "NAME": "Spec cur consumption", "VALUE": "ZSPCUR" }, { "NAME": "Spectral sensitivity", "VALUE": "ZSPSEN" }, { "NAME": "Thermal resistance", "VALUE": "ZTHERM" }, { "NAME": "Temp. coefficient", "VALUE": "ZTMPCO" }, { "NAME": "Voltage sensitivity", "VALUE": "ZVSENS" }, { "NAME": "Slew rate", "VALUE": "ZVSLEW" }] }, { "ENUM_ID": "DeliverySchedules", "ENUMS": [{ "NAME": "Calendar format", "VALUE": "C" }, { "NAME": "Day format", "VALUE": "D" }, { "NAME": "", "VALUE": "I" }, { "NAME": "Calendar format", "VALUE": "K" }, { "NAME": "Month format", "VALUE": "M" }, { "NAME": "Period format", "VALUE": "P" }, { "NAME": "Day format", "VALUE": "T" }, { "NAME": "Week format", "VALUE": "W" }] }] } }
We can pick out a few of the fields in here we’ll need, the three I particularly need are OrderTypes, ItemCategory, and AccountCategory, as those need to be in my PO request payload.
Getting the information for the line items is a little trickier. This is because all the rest of the stuff is dependant on other selections. For example, if I choose a company code, I need to filter the lists for Cost Centers, G/L Accounts, Purchasing Orgs, and Controlling Area to only show those associated with that company code. Then, once I’ve picked a purchasing org, I can filter down the list of plants and vendors. finally once I pick a vendor, I can access their material lists to create decide what items to put in my PO. All of this can be done using the query by zpack. You’ll notice the request has three fields “DROPDOWN” which is the code for the object to query. “INDEXER” is basically a code that signifies the type of filter for example for the dropdown “PORG” the INDEXER “O001” is a code for “Get purchasing organizations by company code”. The full list of available INDEXERS is in Zimt’s documentation. Lastly, the predicate is the value to filter on, in the case of the PORG dropdown, this means we are filtering on a company code of 1000.
[{ "DROPDOWN": "PORG", "INDEXER": "O001", "PREDICATE": "1000" }, { "DROPDOWN": "CCENTER", "INDEXER": "CT01", "PREDICATE": "1000" }, { "DROPDOWN": "GLACCNT", "INDEXER": "GL01", "PREDICATE": "1000" }, { "DROPDOWN": "COAREA", "INDEXER": "CA01", "PREDICATE": "1000" }]
{ "JSON": { "DROPDOWN": [{ "ENUM_ID": "", "ENUMS": [{ "NAME": "Best Run Germany", "VALUE": "1000" }, { "NAME": "Purchasing Europe", "VALUE": "TM2" }] }, { "ENUM_ID": "Cost Centers By Company Code", "ENUMS": [{ "NAME": "Purchasing Europe", "VALUE": "" }, { "NAME": "Corporate Services", "VALUE": "1000" }, { "NAME": "Corporate Services", "VALUE": "2-1000" }, { "NAME": "Motor Pool", "VALUE": "2-1220" }, { "NAME": "Finance & Admin.", "VALUE": "2100" }, { "NAME": "Human Resources", "VALUE": "2200" }, { "NAME": "Motorcycle Prod.", "VALUE": "4200" }, { "NAME": "Bulb Production I", "VALUE": "4260" }, { "NAME": "Quality Control", "VALUE": "4280" }, { "NAME": "5_1000", "VALUE": "5_1000" }, { "NAME": "Corporate Services", "VALUE": "TCM_1000" }] }, { "ENUM_ID": "Cost Centers By Company Code", "ENUMS": [{ "NAME": "Real estate and similar rights", "VALUE": "0000001000" }, { "NAME": "Accum. depn - real estate and similar rights", "VALUE": "0000001010" }, { "NAME": "Buildings", "VALUE": "0000002000" }, { "NAME": "Accumulated depreciation-buildings", "VALUE": "0000002010" }, { "NAME": "Machinery and equipment", "VALUE": "0000011000" }, { "NAME": "Accumulated depreciation - machinery and equipment", "VALUE": "0000011010" }, { "NAME": "Accumulated depreciation - machinery and equipment", "VALUE": "0000011011" }, { "NAME": "Low value assets", "VALUE": "0000012000" }, { "NAME": "Depreciation - Low value assets", "VALUE": "0000012010" }, { "NAME": "Fixtures and fittings", "VALUE": "0000021000" }, { "NAME": "Accumulated depreciation - fixtures and fittings", "VALUE": "0000021010" }, { "NAME": "Low value assets (fixtures and fittings)", "VALUE": "0000022000" }, { "NAME": "Depreciation - LVA office equipment", "VALUE": "0000022010" }, { "NAME": "Depreciation - LVA office equipment, collection", "VALUE": "0000022020" }, { "NAME": "Low value assets collection of LVA", "VALUE": "0000022100" }, { "NAME": "Down payments made - tangible assets", "VALUE": "0000031000" }, { "NAME": "Input tax for down payments - tangible assets", "VALUE": "0000031010" }, { "NAME": "Capitalized payments on account - tangible assets", "VALUE": "0000031100" }, { "NAME": "Depreciation down payment on tangible assets", "VALUE": "0000031110" }, { "NAME": "Clearing capitalized down pmnts - tangible assets", "VALUE": "0000031200" }, { "NAME": "Assets under construction", "VALUE": "0000032000" }, { "NAME": "Depreciation - assets under construction", "VALUE": "0000032010" }, { "NAME": "Computer software", "VALUE": "0000034000" }, { "NAME": "Depreciation - computer software", "VALUE": "0000034010" }, { "NAME": "Depreciation - computer software", "VALUE": "0000034020" }, { "NAME": "Concessions", "VALUE": "0000035000" }, { "NAME": "Accumulated amortization-franchises", "VALUE": "0000035010" }, { "NAME": "Accumulated amortization-franchises", "VALUE": "0000035020" }, { "NAME": "Patents and similar rights", "VALUE": "0000036000" }, { "NAME": "Amortization - Patents and Royalties", "VALUE": "0000036010" }, { "NAME": "Amortization - Patents and Royalties", "VALUE": "0000036020" }, { "NAME": "Licenses", "VALUE": "0000037000" }, { "NAME": "Depreciation - licenses", "VALUE": "0000037010" }, { "NAME": "Depreciation - licenses", "VALUE": "0000037020" }, { "NAME": "Amortization - Goodwill", "VALUE": "0000037030" }, { "NAME": "Goodwill", "VALUE": "0000038000" }, { "NAME": "Amortization - Goodwill", "VALUE": "0000038010" }, { "NAME": "Amortization - Goodwill", "VALUE": "0000038030" }, { "NAME": "Down payments made - intangible assets", "VALUE": "0000039000" }, { "NAME": "Input tax clearing for down pmnts - intang.assets", "VALUE": "0000039010" }, { "NAME": "Capitalized pmnts on account - intangible assets", "VALUE": "0000039100" }, { "NAME": "Depreciation - down payments for intangible assets", "VALUE": "0000039110" }, { "NAME": "Clearing of cap.down pmnts for intangible assets", "VALUE": "0000039200" }, { "NAME": "Common stock to members of a consolidation group", "VALUE": "0000041000" }, { "NAME": "Loans to members of a consolidation group", "VALUE": "0000042000" }, { "NAME": "Loans to members of a consol.grp, due after 1 year", "VALUE": "0000042020" }, { "NAME": "Investments", "VALUE": "0000043000" }, { "NAME": "Loans to affiliated companies", "VALUE": "0000044000" }, { "NAME": "Loans to related companies, due after 1 year", "VALUE": "0000044020" }, { "NAME": "Trade investments", "VALUE": "0000045000" }, { "NAME": "Obligations Fixed Assets", "VALUE": "0000045010" }, { "NAME": "Stocks fixed assets", "VALUE": "0000045020" }, { "NAME": "Shares, foreign companies", "VALUE": "0000045030" }, { "NAME": "Down payments made on financial assets", "VALUE": "0000045100" }, { "NAME": "Input tax clearing on down pmnts for fin.assets", "VALUE": "0000045110" }, { "NAME": "Other loans", "VALUE": "0000046000" }, { "NAME": "Other loans, due after 1 year", "VALUE": "0000046020" }, { "NAME": "TR-LO: Value adjustment - other loans", "VALUE": "0000046030" }, { "NAME": "Leasing OL Office equipment", "VALUE": "0000047000" }, { "NAME": "Accum. depn - Leasing objects", "VALUE": "0000047010" }, { "NAME": "Called up capital not paid", "VALUE": "0000050000" }, { "NAME": "Uncalled share capital", "VALUE": "0000051000" }, { "NAME": "Capitalized formation expenses", "VALUE": "0000055000" }, { "NAME": "Depreciation - capitalized formation expenses", "VALUE": "0000055010" }, { "NAME": "Capitalized business expansion costs", "VALUE": "0000056000" }, { "NAME": "Depreciation - business expansion costs", "VALUE": "0000056010" }, { "NAME": "Leased assets", "VALUE": "0000060000" }, { "NAME": "Depreciation LA", "VALUE": "0000060100" }, { "NAME": "Convertible loans, due within 1 year", "VALUE": "0000060110" }, { "NAME": "Convertible loans, due within 1-5 years", "VALUE": "0000060120" }, { "NAME": "Convertible loans, due in more than 5 years", "VALUE": "0000060130" }, { "NAME": "Convertible loans, due within 1 year", "VALUE": "0000060210" }, { "NAME": "Convertible loans, due within 1-5 years", "VALUE": "0000060220" }, { "NAME": "Convertible loans, due in more than 5 years", "VALUE": "0000060230" }, { "NAME": "Non-convertible loans, due within 1 year", "VALUE": "0000060310" }, { "NAME": "Non-convertible loans, due within 1-5 years", "VALUE": "0000060320" }, { "NAME": "Non-convertible loans, due in more than 5 years", "VALUE": "0000060330" }, { "NAME": "Non-convertible loans, due within 1 year", "VALUE": "0000060410" }, { "NAME": "Non-convertible loans, due within 1-5 years", "VALUE": "0000060420" }, { "NAME": "Non-convertible loans, due in more than 5 years", "VALUE": "0000060430" }, { "NAME": "Secured bank loans, due within 1 year", "VALUE": "0000062110" }, { "NAME": "Secured bank loans, due within 1-5 years", "VALUE": "0000062120" }, { "NAME": "Secured bank loans, due after 5 years", "VALUE": "0000062130" }, { "NAME": "Secured bank loans, due within 1 year", "VALUE": "0000062210" }, { "NAME": "Secured bank loans, due within 1-5 years", "VALUE": "0000062220" }, { "NAME": "Secured bank loans, due after 5 years", "VALUE": "0000062230" }, { "NAME": "Ordinary share capital", "VALUE": "0000070000" }, { "NAME": "Share premium account", "VALUE": "0000071000" }, { "NAME": "Capital redemption reserve", "VALUE": "0000072000" }, { "NAME": "Reserves from defined IFB-reversal (s.acc.ass.text", "VALUE": "0000072010" }, { "NAME": "Provisions for own shares", "VALUE": "0000073000" }, { "NAME": "Reserves required by articles of association", "VALUE": "0000074000" }, { "NAME": "Other reserves", "VALUE": "0000075000" }, { "NAME": "Balance of special items", "VALUE": "0000078000" }, { "NAME": "Special depreciation - 1 (see account ass. text)", "VALUE": "0000078001" }, { "NAME": "Special depreciation 2 (see account ass.text)", "VALUE": "0000078002" }, { "NAME": "Special depreciation 3 (see account ass. text)", "VALUE": "0000078003" }, { "NAME": "Special depreciation 4 (see account ass. text)", "VALUE": "0000078004" }, { "NAME": "Special depreciation 5 (see account ass. texts)", "VALUE": "0000078005" }, { "NAME": "Special depreciation 6 (see account ass. text)", "VALUE": "0000078006" }, { "NAME": "Other special depreciation", "VALUE": "0000078009" }, { "NAME": "Special reserves", "VALUE": "0000078100" }, { "NAME": "Transfer of reserves acc. (see account ass. text)", "VALUE": "0000078200" }, { "NAME": "Investment subsidies received", "VALUE": "0000078300" }, { "NAME": "Clearing - investment subsidies received", "VALUE": "0000078310" }, { "NAME": "Provisions for missing costs", "VALUE": "0000079000" }, { "NAME": "Provisions for imminent costs", "VALUE": "0000079100" }, { "NAME": "General doubtful debt provision", "VALUE": "0000080000" }, { "NAME": "Pension fund provisions", "VALUE": "0000085000" }, { "NAME": "TR-TM: Provisions for spot rate", "VALUE": "0000085900" }, { "NAME": "TR-TM: Provisions for swap rate", "VALUE": "0000085910" }, { "NAME": "Freight provision (MM)", "VALUE": "0000086100" }, { "NAME": "Customs provision (MM)", "VALUE": "0000086200" }, { "NAME": "Delivery costs provision (MM)", "VALUE": "0000086300" }, { "NAME": "Provision for deferred taxation", "VALUE": "0000087000" }, { "NAME": "Provisions for taxes", "VALUE": "0000088000" }, { "NAME": "Other provisions", "VALUE": "0000089000" }, { "NAME": "Reserves for initial direct costs cap.on asset", "VALUE": "0000089700" }, { "NAME": "Advance corporation tax", "VALUE": "0000091000" }, { "NAME": "Discount", "VALUE": "0000095000" }, { "NAME": "Accrued income", "VALUE": "0000098000" }, { "NAME": "Accrued income lease repayments CL", "VALUE": "0000098200" }, { "NAME": "Accrued income lease payments interest CL", "VALUE": "0000098250" }, { "NAME": "Deferred income unearned income CL", "VALUE": "0000098300" }, { "NAME": "Deferred income", "VALUE": "0000099000" }, { "NAME": "Accrued income lease payments interest CL", "VALUE": "0000099100" }, { "NAME": "Deferred income unearned income CL", "VALUE": "0000099600" }, { "NAME": "Deferred revenue", "VALUE": "0000099900" }, { "NAME": "Petty cash", "VALUE": "0000100000" }, { "NAME": "Petty Cash - customer pymt in local currency", "VALUE": "0000100009" }, { "NAME": "Petty cash (with cash journal)", "VALUE": "0000100010" }, { "NAME": "Handkasse Gruppe 00", "VALUE": "0000100100" }, { "NAME": "Handkasse Gruppe 01", "VALUE": "0000100101" }, { "NAME": "Handkasse Gruppe 02", "VALUE": "0000100102" }, { "NAME": "Handkasse Gruppe 03", "VALUE": "0000100103" }, { "NAME": "Handkasse Gruppe 04", "VALUE": "0000100104" }, { "NAME": "Handkasse Gruppe 05", "VALUE": "0000100105" }, { "NAME": "Handkasse Gruppe 06", "VALUE": "0000100106" }, { "NAME": "Handkasse Gruppe 07", "VALUE": "0000100107" }, { "NAME": "Handkasse Gruppe 08", "VALUE": "0000100108" }, { "NAME": "Handkasse Gruppe 09", "VALUE": "0000100109" }, { "NAME": "Handkasse Gruppe 10", "VALUE": "0000100110" }, { "NAME": "Handkasse Gruppe 11", "VALUE": "0000100111" }, { "NAME": "Handkasse Gruppe 12", "VALUE": "0000100112" }, { "NAME": "Handkasse Gruppe 13", "VALUE": "0000100113" }, { "NAME": "Handkasse Gruppe 14", "VALUE": "0000100114" }, { "NAME": "Handkasse Gruppe 15", "VALUE": "0000100115" }, { "NAME": "Handkasse Gruppe 16", "VALUE": "0000100116" }, { "NAME": "Handkasse Gruppe 17", "VALUE": "0000100117" }, { "NAME": "Handkasse Gruppe 18", "VALUE": "0000100118" }, { "NAME": "Handkasse Gruppe 19", "VALUE": "0000100119" }, { "NAME": "Handkasse Gruppe 20", "VALUE": "0000100120" }, { "NAME": "Handkasse Gruppe 21", "VALUE": "0000100121" }, { "NAME": "Handkasse Gruppe 22", "VALUE": "0000100122" }, { "NAME": "Handkasse Gruppe 23", "VALUE": "0000100123" }, { "NAME": "Handkasse Gruppe 24", "VALUE": "0000100124" }, { "NAME": "Handkasse Gruppe 25", "VALUE": "0000100125" }, { "NAME": "Handkasse Gruppe 26", "VALUE": "0000100126" }, { "NAME": "Handkasse Gruppe 27", "VALUE": "0000100127" }, { "NAME": "Handkasse Gruppe 28", "VALUE": "0000100128" }, { "NAME": "Handkasse Gruppe 29", "VALUE": "0000100129" }, { "NAME": "Handkasse Gruppe 30", "VALUE": "0000100130" }, { "NAME": "Handkasse Gruppe 31", "VALUE": "0000100131" }, { "NAME": "Petty cash - freight", "VALUE": "0000101000" }, { "NAME": "Petty cash - foreign currency", "VALUE": "0000102000" }, { "NAME": "Petty Cash - customer foreign currency", "VALUE": "0000102009" }, { "NAME": "Checking account", "VALUE": "0000110000" }, { "NAME": "Checking account - payments", "VALUE": "0000110002" }, { "NAME": "Checking account - transfers", "VALUE": "0000110005" }, { "NAME": "Checking account - customer payments", "VALUE": "0000110009" }, { "NAME": "AP Clearing SAP Bank Germany Domestic (EUROs)", "VALUE": "0000111000" }, { "NAME": "SAP Bank Germany (domestic - Euros)", "VALUE": "0000111100" }, { "NAME": "ABNAmro (domestic)", "VALUE": "0000112600" }, { "NAME": "ABN Amro- other postings", "VALUE": "0000112605" }, { "NAME": "ABNAmro (domestic)", "VALUE": "0000112650" }, { "NAME": "ABN Amro USD acc. other provisinal postings", "VALUE": "0000112655" }, { "NAME": "ABNAmro (domestic)", "VALUE": "0000112680" }, { "NAME": "ABNAmro JPY acc. other interim postings", "VALUE": "0000112685" }, { "NAME": "HSBC (domestic)", "VALUE": "0000112700" }, { "NAME": "HSBC - other postings", "VALUE": "0000112705" }, { "NAME": "HSBC - USD Account", "VALUE": "0000112750" }, { "NAME": "HSBC USD acc. other provisinal postings", "VALUE": "0000112755" }, { "NAME": "HSBC - JPY account", "VALUE": "0000112780" }, { "NAME": "HSBC JPY acc. other interim postings", "VALUE": "0000112785" }, { "NAME": "Sumitomo - JPY account", "VALUE": "0000112880" }, { "NAME": "Sumitomo JPY acc. other interim postings", "VALUE": "0000112885" }, { "NAME": "Mizuho - JPY account", "VALUE": "0000112980" }, { "NAME": "Mizuho Bank JPY acc. other interim postings", "VALUE": "0000112985" }, { "NAME": "Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi - JPY account", "VALUE": "0000113080" }, { "NAME": "Mitsubishi JPY acc. other interim postings", "VALUE": "0000113085" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bank (domestic)", "VALUE": "0000113100" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bank - checks payable", "VALUE": "0000113101" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bank - domestic bank tranfers", "VALUE": "0000113102" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bank - foreign bank transfers", "VALUE": "0000113103" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bank - check clearing account", "VALUE": "0000113104" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bank EUR acc. other interim postings", "VALUE": "0000113105" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bank- promissory bill of exchange liabili", "VALUE": "0000113106" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bank - bill of exchange discount liabilit", "VALUE": "0000113107" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bank - checks received", "VALUE": "0000113108" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bank - customer payments", "VALUE": "0000113109" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bank- guarantees received", "VALUE": "0000113110" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bank - current bills of exchange payable", "VALUE": "0000113111" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bank - collection of bills of exchange", "VALUE": "0000113112" }, { "NAME": "TR-TM: Fixed-term deposits receivable", "VALUE": "0000113113" }, { "NAME": "TR-TM: Fixed-term deposits payable", "VALUE": "0000113114" }, { "NAME": "TR-TM: Deposit at notice receivable", "VALUE": "0000113115" }, { "NAME": "TR-TM: Deposit at notice payable", "VALUE": "0000113116" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bank - Customer checks (adjustment acc.)", "VALUE": "0000113117" }, { "NAME": "TR-CM: Deutsche Bank RFEBKAT1", "VALUE": "0000113119" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bank - checks payable with checkmanagemt", "VALUE": "0000113120" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bank bills of exchange company code 2000", "VALUE": "0000113122" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bank Bills of exchange company code 3000", "VALUE": "0000113123" }, { "NAME": "TR-TM: Commercial Paper receivable", "VALUE": "0000113127" }, { "NAME": "TR-TM: Commercial Paper payable", "VALUE": "0000113128" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bank - outgoing cash", "VALUE": "0000113130" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bank - incoming cash", "VALUE": "0000113131" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bank - USD Account", "VALUE": "0000113150" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bank USD account checks payable", "VALUE": "0000113151" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bk USD account transfers Inland", "VALUE": "0000113152" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bk USD account transfers abroad", "VALUE": "0000113153" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bk USD check clearing account", "VALUE": "0000113154" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bank USD acc. other interim postings", "VALUE": "0000113155" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bk USD acc. promissory note commitments", "VALUE": "0000113156" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bk USD acc. bill of exchange", "VALUE": "0000113157" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bk USD account customer check", "VALUE": "0000113158" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bk USD account (cash receipt)", "VALUE": "0000113159" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bank - CHF account", "VALUE": "0000113160" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bank CHF acc. other interim postings", "VALUE": "0000113165" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bank - GBP account", "VALUE": "0000113170" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bank GBP acc. other interim postings", "VALUE": "0000113175" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bank - JPY account", "VALUE": "0000113180" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bank JPY acc. other interim postings", "VALUE": "0000113185" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bank - EUR account", "VALUE": "0000113190" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bk EUR acc. other interim postings", "VALUE": "0000113195" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bank (domestic)", "VALUE": "0000113196" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bank (domestic)", "VALUE": "0000113197" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bank (domestic)", "VALUE": "0000113198" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bank - USD clearing account", "VALUE": "0000113199" }, { "NAME": "Dresdner Bank (domestic)", "VALUE": "0000113200" }, { "NAME": "DresdBK - checks payable", "VALUE": "0000113201" }, { "NAME": "DresdBK - domestic bank transfers", "VALUE": "0000113202" }, { "NAME": "DresdBK - foreign bank transfers", "VALUE": "0000113203" }, { "NAME": "DresdBK - bank collection", "VALUE": "0000113204" }, { "NAME": "DresdBK - other interim postings", "VALUE": "0000113205" }, { "NAME": "DresdBK - promissory note", "VALUE": "0000113206" }, { "NAME": "DresdBK - bill of exchange contingent liability", "VALUE": "0000113207" }, { "NAME": "DresdBK - checks received", "VALUE": "0000113208" }, { "NAME": "DresdBK - customer payments", "VALUE": "0000113209" }, { "NAME": "DresdBK - guarantees received", "VALUE": "0000113210" }, { "NAME": "DresdBK - current bills of exchange payable", "VALUE": "0000113211" }, { "NAME": ".DresdBK - bill of exchange collection", "VALUE": "0000113212" }, { "NAME": "DresdBK - fixed deposit account", "VALUE": "0000113213" }, { "NAME": "Dresdner Bank Bill of Exchange company code 2000", "VALUE": "0000113222" }, { "NAME": "Dresdner Bank Bill of Exchange company code 1000", "VALUE": "0000113223" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bank - USD Account", "VALUE": "0000113250" }, { "NAME": "Dresdner Bk USD acc. other provisinal postings", "VALUE": "0000113255" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bank - CHF account", "VALUE": "0000113260" }, { "NAME": "Dresdner Bk CHF acc. other prov. postings", "VALUE": "0000113265" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bank - GBP account", "VALUE": "0000113270" }, { "NAME": "Dresdner Bank GBP acc. other interim postings", "VALUE": "0000113275" }, { "NAME": "Dresdner Bank - JPY account", "VALUE": "0000113280" }, { "NAME": "Dresdner Bk JPY acc. other interim postings", "VALUE": "0000113285" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bank - EUR account", "VALUE": "0000113290" }, { "NAME": "Commerzbank", "VALUE": "0000113300" }, { "NAME": "Commerzbank Checks payable", "VALUE": "0000113301" }, { "NAME": "Commerzbank domestic bank tranfers", "VALUE": "0000113302" }, { "NAME": "Commerzbank foreign bank transfers", "VALUE": "0000113303" }, { "NAME": "Commerzbank check clearing account", "VALUE": "0000113304" }, { "NAME": "Commerzbank other postings", "VALUE": "0000113305" }, { "NAME": "Commerzbank promissory bill of exchange liabiliti", "VALUE": "0000113306" }, { "NAME": "Commerzbank bill of exchange discount liabilities", "VALUE": "0000113307" }, { "NAME": "Commerzbank checks received", "VALUE": "0000113308" }, { "NAME": "Commerzbank customer payments", "VALUE": "0000113309" }, { "NAME": "Commerzbank guarantees received", "VALUE": "0000113310" }, { "NAME": "Commerzbank current bills of exchange payable", "VALUE": "0000113311" }, { "NAME": "Commerzbank collection of bills of exchange", "VALUE": "0000113312" }, { "NAME": "Commerzbank Fixed-Term deposits", "VALUE": "0000113313" }, { "NAME": "Commerzbank Bill of exchange company code 2000", "VALUE": "0000113322" }, { "NAME": "Commerzbank Bill of exchange company code 1000", "VALUE": "0000113323" }, { "NAME": "Commerzbank - USD Account", "VALUE": "0000113350" }, { "NAME": "Commerz Bk USD acc. other provisinal postings", "VALUE": "0000113355" }, { "NAME": "Commerzbank - CHF account", "VALUE": "0000113360" }, { "NAME": "Commerz Bk CHF acc. other prov. postings", "VALUE": "0000113365" }, { "NAME": "Commerzbank - GBP account", "VALUE": "0000113370" }, { "NAME": "Commerz Bank GBP acc. other interim postings", "VALUE": "0000113375" }, { "NAME": "Commerzbank - JPY account", "VALUE": "0000113380" }, { "NAME": "Commerz Bk JPY acc. other interim postings", "VALUE": "0000113385" }, { "NAME": "Banco do Brasil", "VALUE": "0000113400" }, { "NAME": "BB TED (Interim)", "VALUE": "0000113405" }, { "NAME": "BB Compe (interim)", "VALUE": "0000113406" }, { "NAME": "Investment Deposit/loan mgmt", "VALUE": "0000113450" }, { "NAME": "Investment Deposit/loan mgmt", "VALUE": "0000113460" }, { "NAME": "Barclays Bank - GBP account", "VALUE": "0000113470" }, { "NAME": "Barclays Bank GBP acc. other interim postings", "VALUE": "0000113475" }, { "NAME": "Bank Of America - USD-Account", "VALUE": "0000113550" }, { "NAME": "BOA USD acc. other provisinal postings", "VALUE": "0000113555" }, { "NAME": "Borrowing Deposit/loan mgmt: borrow", "VALUE": "0000113560" }, { "NAME": "Banco Itaú", "VALUE": "0000113600" }, { "NAME": "Itaú TED (Interim)", "VALUE": "0000113605" }, { "NAME": "Chase Manhatten - USD Account", "VALUE": "0000113650" }, { "NAME": "Citibank USD acc. other provisinal postings", "VALUE": "0000113655" }, { "NAME": "F-T dep. Fixed-term deposit management", "VALUE": "0000113660" }, { "NAME": "Banco Bradesco", "VALUE": "0000113700" }, { "NAME": "Bradesco TED (interim)", "VALUE": "0000113705" }, { "NAME": "Mellon Bank - USD Account", "VALUE": "0000113750" }, { "NAME": "Mellon Bk USD acc. other provisinal postings", "VALUE": "0000113755" }, { "NAME": "DAN ext.B. Dep. at notice banks EXTERNAL", "VALUE": "0000113760" }, { "NAME": "Mellon Bank - JPY account", "VALUE": "0000113780" }, { "NAME": "Mellon Bk JPY acc. other interim postings", "VALUE": "0000113785" }, { "NAME": "IDES AG intercompany account EUR", "VALUE": "0000113800" }, { "NAME": "IDES AG intercompany clearing account DEM", "VALUE": "0000113805" }, { "NAME": "IDES AG intercompany money market receivables", "VALUE": "0000113813" }, { "NAME": "IDES AG intercompany money market payables", "VALUE": "0000113814" }, { "NAME": "IDES AG intercompany account USD", "VALUE": "0000113850" }, { "NAME": "IDES AG intercompany clearing account USD", "VALUE": "0000113855" }, { "NAME": "IDES AG intercompany account CHF", "VALUE": "0000113860" }, { "NAME": "IDES AG intercompany clearing account CHF", "VALUE": "0000113865" }, { "NAME": "IDES AG intercompany account GBP", "VALUE": "0000113870" }, { "NAME": "IDES AG intercompany clearing account GBP", "VALUE": "0000113875" }, { "NAME": "IDES AG intercompany account FRF", "VALUE": "0000113880" }, { "NAME": "IDES AG intercompany clearing account JPY", "VALUE": "0000113885" }, { "NAME": "IDES AG intercompany account EUR", "VALUE": "0000113890" }, { "NAME": "IDES AG intercompany clearing account EUR", "VALUE": "0000113895" }, { "NAME": "Money market receivables, other banks", "VALUE": "0000113913" }, { "NAME": "TR-TM: Money market payables, other banks", "VALUE": "0000113914" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bank - USD Account", "VALUE": "0000113950" }, { "NAME": "Mizuho Corporate Bank Ltd - JPY account", "VALUE": "0000113980" }, { "NAME": "B Bank - checks payable", "VALUE": "0000113999" }, { "NAME": "Foreign Bank 1", "VALUE": "0000114000" }, { "NAME": "Foreign Bank 2", "VALUE": "0000115000" }, { "NAME": "IHC1 Bank EUR", "VALUE": "0000116500" }, { "NAME": "IHC1 outgoings EUR", "VALUE": "0000116502" }, { "NAME": "IHC1 incomings EUR", "VALUE": "0000116509" }, { "NAME": "IHC1 Bank USD", "VALUE": "0000116550" }, { "NAME": "IHC1 outgoings USD", "VALUE": "0000116552" }, { "NAME": "IHC1 incomings USD", "VALUE": "0000116559" }, { "NAME": "IHC1 Bank JPY", "VALUE": "0000116580" }, { "NAME": "IHC1 outgoings JPY", "VALUE": "0000116582" }, { "NAME": "IHC1 incomings JPY", "VALUE": "0000116589" }, { "NAME": "IHC2 Bank EUR", "VALUE": "0000117500" }, { "NAME": "IHC2 outgoings EUR", "VALUE": "0000117502" }, { "NAME": "IHC2 incomings EUR", "VALUE": "0000117509" }, { "NAME": "IHC2 Bank USD", "VALUE": "0000117550" }, { "NAME": "IHC2 outgoings USD", "VALUE": "0000117552" }, { "NAME": "IHC2 incomings USD", "VALUE": "0000117559" }, { "NAME": "IHC2 Bank JPY", "VALUE": "0000117580" }, { "NAME": "IHC2 outgoings JPY", "VALUE": "0000117582" }, { "NAME": "IHC2 incomings JPY", "VALUE": "0000117589" }, { "NAME": "Clearingpartner IHC1 Bank EUR", "VALUE": "0000118500" }, { "NAME": "Clearingpartner IHC1 incomings EUR", "VALUE": "0000118509" }, { "NAME": "Clearingpartner IHC1 Bank USD", "VALUE": "0000118550" }, { "NAME": "Clearingpartner IHC1 incomings USD", "VALUE": "0000118559" }, { "NAME": "CLP IHC1 Bank JPY", "VALUE": "0000118580" }, { "NAME": "Clearingpartner IHC1 incomings JPY", "VALUE": "0000118589" }, { "NAME": "Clearing account for payment requests", "VALUE": "0000118888" }, { "NAME": "Clearing account for derivatives", "VALUE": "0000119999" }, { "NAME": "Loans to staff", "VALUE": "0000120000" }, { "NAME": "Bills of exchange receivable (see account ass .t.)", "VALUE": "0000125000" }, { "NAME": "Bills of exchange receivable (company code 2000)", "VALUE": "0000125002" }, { "NAME": "Bills of exchange receivable (company code 1000)", "VALUE": "0000125003" }, { "NAME": "Bills of exchange receivable (see acc. ass. text)", "VALUE": "0000126000" }, { "NAME": "Discounted bills of exchange (Italy/Spain)", "VALUE": "0000127000" }, { "NAME": "Common stock to members of a consolidation group", "VALUE": "0000131000" }, { "NAME": "Own shares", "VALUE": "0000132000" }, { "NAME": "Other securities", "VALUE": "0000133000" }, { "NAME": "Bonds - current assets", "VALUE": "0000133010" }, { "NAME": "Stocks - current assets", "VALUE": "0000133020" }, { "NAME": "Trade Receivables - domestic", "VALUE": "0000140000" }, { "NAME": "Receivables Returns", "VALUE": "0000140005" }, { "NAME": "Receivables Installment", "VALUE": "0000140006" }, { "NAME": "Receivables Interest", "VALUE": "0000140007" }, { "NAME": "Receivables Charges", "VALUE": "0000140008" }, { "NAME": "Trade Receivables - domestic one-time", "VALUE": "0000140010" }, { "NAME": "Trade Receivables - domestic, long-term", "VALUE": "0000140020" }, { "NAME": "Trade Receivables - domestic, long-term", "VALUE": "0000140021" }, { "NAME": "Trade Receivables - domestic", "VALUE": "0000140030" }, { "NAME": "Trade Receivables - domestic", "VALUE": "0000140040" }, { "NAME": "Trade Receivables - domestic, adjustment acct.", "VALUE": "0000140099" }, { "NAME": "Trade Receivables - foreign", "VALUE": "0000141000" }, { "NAME": "Trade Receivables - foreign one-time", "VALUE": "0000141010" }, { "NAME": "Trade Receivables - foreign, long-term", "VALUE": "0000141020" }, { "NAME": "Trade Receivables - foreign, long-term", "VALUE": "0000141030" }, { "NAME": "Trade Receivables - foreign, adjustment acct.", "VALUE": "0000141099" }, { "NAME": "Allowance for doubtful accounts", "VALUE": "0000142000" }, { "NAME": "Allowance for doubtful accounts (Valuation run)", "VALUE": "0000142100" }, { "NAME": "Vendors with a debit balance", "VALUE": "0000143000" }, { "NAME": "Trade Receivables - adj. for unrlzd. curr. diff.", "VALUE": "0000143100" }, { "NAME": "Trade receivables for company code 2000", "VALUE": "0000144002" }, { "NAME": "Trade receivables for company code 3000", "VALUE": "0000144003" }, { "NAME": "Trade receivables for company code 4000", "VALUE": "0000144004" }, { "NAME": "Receivables CC 2100", "VALUE": "0000144005" }, { "NAME": "Receivables CC 2200", "VALUE": "0000144006" }, { "NAME": "Receivables CC 2300", "VALUE": "0000144007" }, { "NAME": "Accounts Receivable - Subsidiaries, long-term", "VALUE": "0000144020" }, { "NAME": "Accounts Receivable - Subsidiaries, long-term", "VALUE": "0000144030" }, { "NAME": "Accounts Receivable- subsidiaries (adj acct.)", "VALUE": "0000144099" }, { "NAME": "Adjust. Receiv. Company Code 2000", "VALUE": "0000144102" }, { "NAME": "Adjust. Receiv. Company Code 3000", "VALUE": "0000144103" }, { "NAME": "Adjust. Receiv. Company Code 4000", "VALUE": "0000144104" }, { "NAME": "Adjust.- customer receivables to company code 2200", "VALUE": "0000144106" }, { "NAME": "Accounts Receivable - affiliates", "VALUE": "0000145000" }, { "NAME": "Accounts Receivable - other companies long term", "VALUE": "0000145020" }, { "NAME": "Unbilled Receivables", "VALUE": "0000145030" }, { "NAME": "Accounts Receivable- other companies (adj acct.)", "VALUE": "0000145099" }, { "NAME": "Credit card receivables --> Header account", "VALUE": "0000146500" }, { "NAME": "Credit card receivables - American Express", "VALUE": "0000146501" }, { "NAME": "Credit card receivables - VISA", "VALUE": "0000146502" }, { "NAME": "Credit card receivables - Master Card", "VALUE": "0000146503" }, { "NAME": "Offset account lease payments OL/CL", "VALUE": "0000147010" }, { "NAME": "TR-LO: Reconciliation acct - Other receivables", "VALUE": "0000150000" }, { "NAME": "TR-LO: Reconciliation acct - repayment receivables", "VALUE": "0000150100" }, { "NAME": "TR-LO: Reconciliation acct - interest receivables", "VALUE": "0000150200" }, { "NAME": "TR-LO: Reconciliation acct - discount receivables", "VALUE": "0000150300" }, { "NAME": "TR-LO: Reconciliation acct - premiums payable", "VALUE": "0000150400" }, { "NAME": "TR-LO: Reconciliation acct - payment adjustments", "VALUE": "0000150500" }, { "NAME": "TR-LO: Reconciliation acct - disb. obl. f. loans", "VALUE": "0000150600" }, { "NAME": "TR-LO: Reconciliation acct - other payables", "VALUE": "0000150700" }, { "NAME": "Prepayment - Inventory", "VALUE": "0000151000" }, { "NAME": "Input tax clearing - prepayment for inventory", "VALUE": "0000151010" }, { "NAME": "Down payments stock company code 2000", "VALUE": "0000151102" }, { "NAME": "Down payment stock company code 1000", "VALUE": "0000151103" }, { "NAME": "Input tax adj. account for down payment comp. 2000", "VALUE": "0000151202" }, { "NAME": "Input tax adj. account for down payment comp. 1000", "VALUE": "0000151203" }, { "NAME": "Interest receivable", "VALUE": "0000152000" }, { "NAME": "Interest receivables", "VALUE": "0000152050" }, { "NAME": "TR-LO: Value adj. - other rec. (costs/repay./int.)", "VALUE": "0000152110" }, { "NAME": "TR-LO: Loan paymts. receivable rem. term <1Year", "VALUE": "0000152150" }, { "NAME": "TR-TM/LO: Repayments SEC and sales BNL receivable", "VALUE": "0000152155" }, { "NAME": "TR-LO: Discounts receivable, rem. term <1Year", "VALUE": "0000152250" }, { "NAME": "TR-LO: Disbursement obligations for loans", "VALUE": "0000152500" }, { "NAME": "TR-LO: Premium", "VALUE": "0000152550" }, { "NAME": "Input tax (See account assignment text)", "VALUE": "0000154000" }, { "NAME": "Input tax for decentral systems", "VALUE": "0000154010" }, { "NAME": "Tax Business Area clearing", "VALUE": "0000154099" }, { "NAME": "Tax on imports", "VALUE": "0000154100" }, { "NAME": "Amount reductions (see account assignment text)", "VALUE": "0000154300" }, { "NAME": "Advances - Salaries and Wages", "VALUE": "0000155000" }, { "NAME": "Advances salaries and wages", "VALUE": "0000155500" }, { "NAME": "Loans to employees", "VALUE": "0000155600" }, { "NAME": "Advances - Travel Expenses", "VALUE": "0000156000" }, { "NAME": "Advances - Travel expenses cash", "VALUE": "0000156050" }, { "NAME": "Other down payments - current assets", "VALUE": "0000159000" }, { "NAME": "Input tax clearing - other prepayments", "VALUE": "0000159010" }, { "NAME": "Down payment on current assets - value adjustment", "VALUE": "0000159020" }, { "NAME": "Other receivables", "VALUE": "0000159100" }, { "NAME": "TR-TM: Option premiums receivable", "VALUE": "0000159110" }, { "NAME": "TR-LO: Reversals", "VALUE": "0000159160" }, { "NAME": "Other trade receivable - adjustment acct.", "VALUE": "0000159199" }, { "NAME": "Other Receivables, long-term", "VALUE": "0000159200" }, { "NAME": "Other Receivables, short-term", "VALUE": "0000159201" }, { "NAME": "Goods/Invoice shipped, not calculated", "VALUE": "0000159900" }, { "NAME": "Goods output / invoice output - adjustment account", "VALUE": "0000159999" }, { "NAME": "Trade Payables - domestic", "VALUE": "0000160000" }, { "NAME": "Trade Payables - domestic one-time suppliers", "VALUE": "0000160010" }, { "NAME": "Trade Payables - domestic, due 1-5 yrs", "VALUE": "0000160020" }, { "NAME": "Trade Payables - domestic, due > 5 years", "VALUE": "0000160030" }, { "NAME": "Trade Payables - domestic adjustment account", "VALUE": "0000160099" }, { "NAME": "Trade Payables - foreign", "VALUE": "0000161000" }, { "NAME": "Trade Payables - foreign one-time vendors", "VALUE": "0000161010" }, { "NAME": "Trade Payables - foreign, due 1-5 yrs", "VALUE": "0000161020" }, { "NAME": "Trade Payables - foreign, due > 5 years", "VALUE": "0000161030" }, { "NAME": "Trade Payables - foreign adjustment account", "VALUE": "0000161099" }, { "NAME": "Customers with a credit balance", "VALUE": "0000163000" }, { "NAME": "Trade Payables - Adj for unrealized curr. diff.", "VALUE": "0000163100" }, { "NAME": "Payables company code 2000", "VALUE": "0000164002" }, { "NAME": "Payables company code 3000", "VALUE": "0000164003" }, { "NAME": "Account Payables", "VALUE": "0000164004" }, { "NAME": "Payables CC 2100", "VALUE": "0000164005" }, { "NAME": "Payables CC 2200", "VALUE": "0000164006" }, { "NAME": "Payables CC 2300", "VALUE": "0000164007" }, { "NAME": "Accounts Payable - Subsidiaries, due 1-5 yrs", "VALUE": "0000164020" }, { "NAME": "Accounts Payable - Subsidiaries, due > 5 yrs.", "VALUE": "0000164030" }, { "NAME": "Accounts Payable - subsidiaries adjustment acct.", "VALUE": "0000164099" }, { "NAME": "Adjustment Payables company code 2000", "VALUE": "0000164102" }, { "NAME": "Adjustment Payables company code 3000", "VALUE": "0000164103" }, { "NAME": "Adjustment payables company code 4000", "VALUE": "0000164104" }, { "NAME": "Accounts Payable - Affiliates", "VALUE": "0000165000" }, { "NAME": "Accounts Payable- affiliates, due 1-5 yrs.", "VALUE": "0000165020" }, { "NAME": "Accounts Payable - affiliates, due >5 yrs.", "VALUE": "0000165030" }, { "NAME": "Accounts Payable - Affiliates, adjustment acct.", "VALUE": "0000165099" }, { "NAME": "Amortization - Prepayments", "VALUE": "0000166000" }, { "NAME": "Clearing account P-card", "VALUE": "0000166500" }, { "NAME": "Accounts Payable - consigment sale", "VALUE": "0000169900" }, { "NAME": "Advanced Customer Payments", "VALUE": "0000170000" }, { "NAME": "Tax clearing to customer down payment", "VALUE": "0000170010" }, { "NAME": "Advanced customer payments, due 1-5 yrs.", "VALUE": "0000170020" }, { "NAME": "Advanced customer payments, due > 5 years", "VALUE": "0000170030" }, { "NAME": "Down payments received (Adj. a/c)", "VALUE": "0000170099" }, { "NAME": "Customer down payment company code 2000", "VALUE": "0000171002" }, { "NAME": "Customer down payment company code 1000", "VALUE": "0000171003" }, { "NAME": "Sales tax clearing for down payments CC 2000", "VALUE": "0000171202" }, { "NAME": "Sales tax clearing for down payments CC 1000", "VALUE": "0000171203" }, { "NAME": "Recalculation differences (S.account assignm.text)", "VALUE": "0000172160" }, { "NAME": "Overpayment/receivables (See account assignm.text)", "VALUE": "0000172170" }, { "NAME": "Document split account", "VALUE": "0000172200" }, { "NAME": "Output tax", "VALUE": "0000175000" }, { "NAME": "Output tax decentral systems", "VALUE": "0000175010" }, { "NAME": "Tax Business Area clearing", "VALUE": "0000175099" }, { "NAME": "Salaries and wages payable", "VALUE": "0000176000" }, { "NAME": "Travel expenses payable", "VALUE": "0000176050" }, { "NAME": "Federal Income and Church Tax payable", "VALUE": "0000176100" }, { "NAME": "Social Security Contributions Payable", "VALUE": "0000176200" }, { "NAME": "Legal expenses and fines", "VALUE": "0000176300" }, { "NAME": "Employees' Saving Plan", "VALUE": "0000176400" }, { "NAME": "Wages and salary clearing", "VALUE": "0000176500" }, { "NAME": "Advances salaries and wages (differences)", "VALUE": "0000176600" }, { "NAME": "Liability - Social Security, short-term", "VALUE": "0000176700" }, { "NAME": "Liabilities - Social Security, due 1-5 yrs.", "VALUE": "0000176800" }, { "NAME": "Account for document splitting", "VALUE": "0000176880" }, { "NAME": "Liabilities - Social Security, due > 5 yrs.", "VALUE": "0000176900" }, { "NAME": "Corporate Tax liability, short-term", "VALUE": "0000178100" }, { "NAME": "Corporate Tax liability, due 1-5 yrs", "VALUE": "0000178200" }, { "NAME": "Corporate Tax liability, due > 5 yrs.", "VALUE": "0000178300" }, { "NAME": "Other liabilities", "VALUE": "0000179100" }, { "NAME": "TR-TM: Option premiums payable", "VALUE": "0000179110" }, { "NAME": "TR-TM/LO: Other interest payable", "VALUE": "0000179150" }, { "NAME": "TR-LO: Unallocated incoming payments", "VALUE": "0000179170" }, { "NAME": "Other liabilities - domestic", "VALUE": "0000179199" }, { "NAME": "Other Liabilities, due 1-5 yrs.", "VALUE": "0000179200" }, { "NAME": "Other Liabilities, due > 5 years", "VALUE": "0000179300" }, { "NAME": "Bills of exchange payable", "VALUE": "0000180000" }, { "NAME": "Bills of exchange payable due within 1-5 years", "VALUE": "0000180020" }, { "NAME": "Bills of exchange payable due after 5 years", "VALUE": "0000180030" }, { "NAME": "Bills of exchange payable (adjustment acct)", "VALUE": "0000180099" }, { "NAME": "Travel expenses clearing for docs paid by company", "VALUE": "0000190990" }, { "NAME": "Goods Rcvd/Invoice Rcvd (own production)", "VALUE": "0000191000" }, { "NAME": "Goods Rcvd/Invoice Rcvd (own prod. adj. acc.)", "VALUE": "0000191099" }, { "NAME": "Goods Rcvd/Invoice Rcvd (third party)", "VALUE": "0000191100" }, { "NAME": "Goods Rcvd/Invoice Rcvd - not yet delivered", "VALUE": "0000191101" }, { "NAME": "Goods Rcvd/Invoice Rcvd - not yet invoiced", "VALUE": "0000191102" }, { "NAME": "AP Accrual (PEV)", "VALUE": "0000191103" }, { "NAME": "Clearing-invoice reduction", "VALUE": "0000191120" }, { "NAME": "Goods Rcvd/Invoice Rcvd recon. (acqrd externally)", "VALUE": "0000191199" }, { "NAME": "Clearing Acct. Fixed Assets Rcvd -Invoice apprvl.", "VALUE": "0000191400" }, { "NAME": "Clearing Acct. Fixed Assets Returned to Inv.", "VALUE": "0000191500" }, { "NAME": "Clearing Account - customer commission", "VALUE": "0000191600" }, { "NAME": "Freight Clearing Account (MM)", "VALUE": "0000192100" }, { "NAME": "Freight provisions (MM)", "VALUE": "0000192200" }, { "NAME": "Customs Duty Clearing Account (MM)", "VALUE": "0000192300" }, { "NAME": "Customs duty provision (MM)", "VALUE": "0000192400" }, { "NAME": "Delivery Costs Clearing Account (MM)", "VALUE": "0000192500" }, { "NAME": "Miscellaneous provision (MM)", "VALUE": "0000192600" }, { "NAME": "Bonus provisions (MM)", "VALUE": "0000192700" }, { "NAME": "Provision for addititional settlement", "VALUE": "0000192701" }, { "NAME": "Clearing supplier discounts (Net method)", "VALUE": "0000193000" }, { "NAME": "Business Area clearing: discounts (Net method)", "VALUE": "0000193099" }, { "NAME": "Clearing with company code A", "VALUE": "0000194001" }, { "NAME": "Clearing with company code B", "VALUE": "0000194002" }, { "NAME": "Clearing with company code 2200", "VALUE": "0000194003" }, { "NAME": "Clearing with company code AC01", "VALUE": "0000194004" }, { "NAME": "Clearing with company code AC00", "VALUE": "0000194005" }, { "NAME": "Clearing with company code 2300", "VALUE": "0000194006" }, { "NAME": "Clearing with company code 2400", "VALUE": "0000194007" }, { "NAME": "Clearing with company code 2500", "VALUE": "0000194008" }, { "NAME": "TR-TM: Clearing foreign exchange", "VALUE": "0000194100" }, { "NAME": "Treasury Hedge Management Technical Clearing Acct", "VALUE": "0000194200" }, { "NAME": "TR-TM: Currency swap account", "VALUE": "0000194300" }, { "NAME": "TR-TM: Clearing payment transaction", "VALUE": "0000194400" }, { "NAME": "Clearing with Business Area 0000", "VALUE": "0000194500" }, { "NAME": "Clearing with business area 0001", "VALUE": "0000194501" }, { "NAME": "Clearing with business area 2000", "VALUE": "0000194502" }, { "NAME": "Clearing with business area 3000", "VALUE": "0000194503" }, { "NAME": "Clearing with business area 4000", "VALUE": "0000194504" }, { "NAME": "Clearing with business area 5000", "VALUE": "0000194505" }, { "NAME": "Clearing with business area 6000", "VALUE": "0000194506" }, { "NAME": "TR-TM: Euro Verrechnung", "VALUE": "0000194700" }, { "NAME": "IHC payment clearing", "VALUE": "0000194800" }, { "NAME": "IHC technical clearing", "VALUE": "0000194850" }, { "NAME": "IHC reveivables", "VALUE": "0000194851" }, { "NAME": "IHC payables", "VALUE": "0000194852" }, { "NAME": "Tax payable/receivables tax authorities", "VALUE": "0000195000" }, { "NAME": "Net turnover clearing - transfer tax payable", "VALUE": "0000195100" }, { "NAME": "Sales/input tax accruals - Italy/France", "VALUE": "0000195200" }, { "NAME": "Payment requests - customers", "VALUE": "0000196000" }, { "NAME": "Guarantees - customers", "VALUE": "0000196100" }, { "NAME": "Clearing guarantees - customers", "VALUE": "0000196110" }, { "NAME": "Contingent claim for bills of exchange (customers)", "VALUE": "0000196200" }, { "NAME": "Clearing contingent claim for bills of exchange", "VALUE": "0000196210" }, { "NAME": "Payment requests - vendors", "VALUE": "0000196300" }, { "NAME": "Guarantees - vendors", "VALUE": "0000196400" }, { "NAME": "Clearing guarantees - vendors", "VALUE": "0000196410" }, { "NAME": "Clearing current bills of exchange payable", "VALUE": "0000196500" }, { "NAME": "Clearing - bills of exchange collected", "VALUE": "0000196600" }, { "NAME": "Clearing account - unrealized currency differences", "VALUE": "0000196700" }, { "NAME": "Contingent liabilities - bills/exch. (Italy/Spain)", "VALUE": "0000196800" }, { "NAME": "IS-RE Advance payment receivable - operating costs", "VALUE": "0000196900" }, { "NAME": "IS-RE Advance payment - operating costs", "VALUE": "0000196910" }, { "NAME": "IS-RE Advance payment - sales-based rent", "VALUE": "0000196920" }, { "NAME": "IS-RE Rent deposit", "VALUE": "0000196930" }, { "NAME": "Accounts Receivable - payment withheld", "VALUE": "0000197000" }, { "NAME": "Accounts Payable - payment withheld", "VALUE": "0000197100" }, { "NAME": "Clearing account phasing balance OL", "VALUE": "0000198000" }, { "NAME": "Clearing for ALE T30CLNT089, Sales Germany", "VALUE": "0000198020" }, { "NAME": "Clearing for ALE T30CLNT089, adjustment account", "VALUE": "0000198099" }, { "NAME": "Clearing account lease payments derived CL", "VALUE": "0000198500" }, { "NAME": "Clearing Account - input of budget data", "VALUE": "0000199000" }, { "NAME": "Asset acquisition clearing not integrated", "VALUE": "0000199990" }, { "NAME": "Clear affiliated company fixed assets", "VALUE": "0000199991" }, { "NAME": "Loss on disposal/sale of fixed assets", "VALUE": "0000200000" }, { "NAME": "Loss on assets scrapped", "VALUE": "0000200010" }, { "NAME": "Extraordinary expenses", "VALUE": "0000201000" }, { "NAME": "Expense from allocation of special reserves", "VALUE": "0000202000" }, { "NAME": "Special amortization 1(see account assignment text", "VALUE": "0000202001" }, { "NAME": "Special amortization 2 (see account assignment tex", "VALUE": "0000202002" }, { "NAME": "Special amortization 3(see account assignment text", "VALUE": "0000202003" }, { "NAME": "Special amortization 4(see account assignment text", "VALUE": "0000202004" }, { "NAME": "Special amortization 5(see account assignment text", "VALUE": "0000202005" }, { "NAME": "Special amortization 6(see account assignment text", "VALUE": "0000202006" }, { "NAME": "Special amortization - other", "VALUE": "0000202009" }, { "NAME": "Expense from amortization of special reserves", "VALUE": "0000202300" }, { "NAME": "Other accruals", "VALUE": "0000204000" }, { "NAME": "TR-TM: Other writedowns of financial transactions", "VALUE": "0000209100" }, { "NAME": "TR-TM: Losses - cash settlmt. paymt.for fin.trans.", "VALUE": "0000209200" }, { "NAME": "TR-TM: Gain - cash settlmt paymt for fin transact", "VALUE": "0000209500" }, { "NAME": "Non-affecting costs", "VALUE": "0000210000" }, { "NAME": "Uncollectible Accounts Expense", "VALUE": "0000210100" }, { "NAME": "Provision for foreign currency losses - A/R", "VALUE": "0000210200" }, { "NAME": "TR-LO: Expenses - value adjustment other loans", "VALUE": "0000210400" }, { "NAME": "Ordinary depreciation - fixed assets", "VALUE": "0000211100" }, { "NAME": "Extraordinary depreciation - fixed assets", "VALUE": "0000211200" }, { "NAME": "Ordinary depreciation - leasing objects", "VALUE": "0000211300" }, { "NAME": "Unplanned amortization expense - financial assets", "VALUE": "0000212100" }, { "NAME": "Other amortization expense - financial assets", "VALUE": "0000212200" }, { "NAME": "Provision -loss in value of Marketable Securities", "VALUE": "0000213100" }, { "NAME": "Provision - losses in unquoted Marketable Sec.", "VALUE": "0000213200" }, { "NAME": "TR-TM: Losses - disposal of financial fixed assets", "VALUE": "0000214000" }, { "NAME": "TR-TM: Loss - disposals of securities curr. assets", "VALUE": "0000214100" }, { "NAME": "Write-down/revaluation - current assets", "VALUE": "0000215000" }, { "NAME": "Interest expense", "VALUE": "0000220000" }, { "NAME": "IS-RE Interest expenses - rental deposit", "VALUE": "0000220050" }, { "NAME": "Interest expense - subsidiaries", "VALUE": "0000220100" }, { "NAME": "TR-TM: Depreciation - swap point valuation", "VALUE": "0000220320" }, { "NAME": "Capital gains tax", "VALUE": "0000220600" }, { "NAME": "Other taxes from income and revenue", "VALUE": "0000220900" }, { "NAME": "Discount charges", "VALUE": "0000221000" }, { "NAME": "Bank discount charges", "VALUE": "0000221010" }, { "NAME": "Bank collection charges", "VALUE": "0000221020" }, { "NAME": "Discount charges - group companies", "VALUE": "0000221100" }, { "NAME": "Foreign currency revaluation losses", "VALUE": "0000230000" }, { "NAME": "Valuation transfer", "VALUE": "0000230005" }, { "NAME": "Expense from exchange rate differences- offsetting", "VALUE": "0000230009" }, { "NAME": "Expense from currency revaluation", "VALUE": "0000230010" }, { "NAME": "Expense from currency revaluation - offsetting", "VALUE": "0000230019" }, { "NAME": "Rounding differences - foreign currency", "VALUE": "0000230020" }, { "NAME": "Translation differences - foreign currency", "VALUE": "0000230030" }, { "NAME": "Gain/loss Euro conversion / document difference", "VALUE": "0000230051" }, { "NAME": "Gain/loss Euro conversion - clearing trans. diff.", "VALUE": "0000230052" }, { "NAME": "Gain/loss Euro conversion / carry forward bal.diff", "VALUE": "0000230053" }, { "NAME": "Gain/loss Euro conversion / FI-MM reconciliation", "VALUE": "0000230054" }, { "NAME": "Gain/loss Euro conversion / GR-IR reconciliation", "VALUE": "0000230055" }, { "NAME": "Gain/loss Euro conversion / FI-AA reconciliation", "VALUE": "0000230056" }, { "NAME": "Gain/loss Eu conv. - clearing trans.-special post", "VALUE": "0000230057" }, { "NAME": "Gain/loss Eu conv. - GLFLEX-Document", "VALUE": "0000230058" }, { "NAME": "Foreign currency differences expenses - adj.accoun", "VALUE": "0000230099" }, { "NAME": "Unrealized foreign currency losses", "VALUE": "0000230100" }, { "NAME": "Expenses for differences from automatic clearing", "VALUE": "0000230110" }, { "NAME": "Loss - price variances", "VALUE": "0000231000" }, { "NAME": "Expense from price difference of own goods", "VALUE": "0000231055" }, { "NAME": "Aufwand aus Neubewertung", "VALUE": "0000231080" }, { "NAME": "Loss - freight variances", "VALUE": "0000231100" }, { "NAME": "Expense from price difference of own goods", "VALUE": "0000231500" }, { "NAME": "Expense from price difference of own goods", "VALUE": "0000231550" }, { "NAME": "Unplanned delivery costs", "VALUE": "0000231600" }, { "NAME": "Small price loss - invoice receipt (MM)", "VALUE": "0000231900" }, { "NAME": "Losses - material price variances", "VALUE": "0000232000" }, { "NAME": "Expense from revaluation of own materials", "VALUE": "0000232500" }, { "NAME": "Expense from revaluation of own materials", "VALUE": "0000232510" }, { "NAME": "Losses - inventory variance", "VALUE": "0000233000" }, { "NAME": "Losses - inventory variance (consignment sale)", "VALUE": "0000233010" }, { "NAME": "Losses - inventory revaluation (write-down)", "VALUE": "0000234000" }, { "NAME": "Losses - inventory transfer", "VALUE": "0000235000" }, { "NAME": "Losses - consumption for consignment sale", "VALUE": "0000236000" }, { "NAME": "Losses - consumption of quality control", "VALUE": "0000237000" }, { "NAME": "Provision for unrealized cost", "VALUE": "0000239000" }, { "NAME": "Provision for imminent losses", "VALUE": "0000239100" }, { "NAME": "Corporation tax expense", "VALUE": "0000240000" }, { "NAME": "Corporate income tax expense", "VALUE": "0000241000" }, { "NAME": "Charges for loss equalizations", "VALUE": "0000245000" }, { "NAME": "Other interest and similar revenues", "VALUE": "0000245100" }, { "NAME": "Deferred tax par. 274 sec. 2 HGB", "VALUE": "0000249000" }, { "NAME": "Profits on disposal/sale of fixed assets", "VALUE": "0000250000" }, { "NAME": "Extraordinary Income", "VALUE": "0000251000" }, { "NAME": "Income from reversal of special reserves", "VALUE": "0000252000" }, { "NAME": "Income from reversal of spec. depr.1(account ass.)", "VALUE": "0000252001" }, { "NAME": "Income from reversal of spec. depr. 2(account ass)", "VALUE": "0000252002" }, { "NAME": "Income from reversal of spec. depr. 2(account ass)", "VALUE": "0000252003" }, { "NAME": "Income from reversal of spec. depr. 4(account ass.", "VALUE": "0000252004" }, { "NAME": "Income from reversal of spec. depr.5(account ass.", "VALUE": "0000252005" }, { "NAME": "Income from reversal of spec. depr.6(account ass.)", "VALUE": "0000252006" }, { "NAME": "Income from reversal other special depreciation", "VALUE": "0000252009" }, { "NAME": "Income from reversal of special reserves", "VALUE": "0000252300" }, { "NAME": "Income from reversal of special reserves", "VALUE": "0000252301" }, { "NAME": "Income from asset write-up (overdepreciation)", "VALUE": "0000253000" }, { "NAME": "TR-TM: Gain - write-up financial fixed assets", "VALUE": "0000253100" }, { "NAME": "Reduction in doubtful debt provision", "VALUE": "0000260000" }, { "NAME": "Clearing estimated depreciation of fixed assets", "VALUE": "0000261000" }, { "NAME": "Clearing estimated depreciation collection", "VALUE": "0000261010" }, { "NAME": "Verrechnung steuerliche AfA auf Sachanlagen", "VALUE": "0000261100" }, { "NAME": "Steuerliche Abschreibung auf Sachanlagen", "VALUE": "0000261200" }, { "NAME": "Clearing estimated interest on fixed assets", "VALUE": "0000263000" }, { "NAME": "Clearing estimated depn - other", "VALUE": "0000264000" }, { "NAME": "Clearing other estimated costs", "VALUE": "0000269000" }, { "NAME": "Income from loans (not member of", "VALUE": "0000270100" }, { "NAME": "Income from loans (member of consolidation group)", "VALUE": "0000270200" }, { "NAME": "Dividend Income", "VALUE": "0000271100" }, { "NAME": "Dividend Income - subsidiaries", "VALUE": "0000271200" }, { "NAME": "Investment Income - Marketable Securities", "VALUE": "0000272100" }, { "NAME": "Investment Income - Marketable securites in subsid", "VALUE": "0000272200" }, { "NAME": "TR-TM: Gain fr.disposals of financial fixed assets", "VALUE": "0000272500" }, { "NAME": "TR-TM: Gain - disposals of securities curr. assets", "VALUE": "0000272600" }, { "NAME": "Interest Income", "VALUE": "0000273100" }, { "NAME": "Profit Center Assessment", "VALUE": "0000273199" }, { "NAME": "Interest Income - subsidiaries", "VALUE": "0000273200" }, { "NAME": "Interest income - loans to employees (HR)", "VALUE": "0000273300" }, { "NAME": "Income from discount charges", "VALUE": "0000275100" }, { "NAME": "Income from discount fees - group companies", "VALUE": "0000275110" }, { "NAME": "Income from bill of exchange tax", "VALUE": "0000275200" }, { "NAME": "Bank bill of exchange tax", "VALUE": "0000275210" }, { "NAME": "Income from collection charges", "VALUE": "0000275300" }, { "NAME": "Discount received", "VALUE": "0000276000" }, { "NAME": "Business area clearing - discount income", "VALUE": "0000276099" }, { "NAME": "Gain-exch.rate diffs", "VALUE": "0000280000" }, { "NAME": "Gain Valuation Short", "VALUE": "0000280010" }, { "NAME": "Income rounding differences - foreign currency", "VALUE": "0000280020" }, { "NAME": "Income translation", "VALUE": "0000280030" }, { "NAME": "Foreign currencies/revaluation differences/clearin", "VALUE": "0000280099" }, { "NAME": "Unrealized foreign exchange profits", "VALUE": "0000280100" }, { "NAME": "Revenues for differences from automatic clearing", "VALUE": "0000280110" }, { "NAME": "Income - price variances", "VALUE": "0000281000" }, { "NAME": "Income from price differences of own goods SCM550", "VALUE": "0000281055" }, { "NAME": "Ertrag aus Neubewertung", "VALUE": "0000281080" }, { "NAME": "Income - freight variances", "VALUE": "0000281100" }, { "NAME": "Contribution bonus differences", "VALUE": "0000281200" }, { "NAME": "Gain - additional statement", "VALUE": "0000281201" }, { "NAME": "Income from price differences of own goods", "VALUE": "0000281500" }, { "NAME": "Income from price differences of own goods", "VALUE": "0000281550" }, { "NAME": "Small price gains - recepit of invoice (MM)", "VALUE": "0000281900" }, { "NAME": "Gain - revaluation in material prices", "VALUE": "0000282000" }, { "NAME": "Income from revaluation of own materials", "VALUE": "0000282500" }, { "NAME": "Gain - inventory difference", "VALUE": "0000283000" }, { "NAME": "Gain - consignment sale inventory difference", "VALUE": "0000283010" }, { "NAME": "Gain revaluation inventory (valued-->unvalued)", "VALUE": "0000284000" }, { "NAME": "Gain - inventory transfer", "VALUE": "0000285000" }, { "NAME": "Gain - consumption of consignment material", "VALUE": "0000286000" }, { "NAME": "Income from quality control consumption", "VALUE": "0000287000" }, { "NAME": "Income - reduction in provisions", "VALUE": "0000290000" }, { "NAME": "Income from consolidated profits", "VALUE": "0000295000" }, { "NAME": "Other operating income", "VALUE": "0000299000" }, { "NAME": "Other gain from financial transactions", "VALUE": "0000299100" }, { "NAME": "Inventory - Raw Material 1", "VALUE": "0000300000" }, { "NAME": "Inventory - Raw Material 2", "VALUE": "0000300010" }, { "NAME": "Inventory - Raw Material SCM550", "VALUE": "0000300550" }, { "NAME": "Operating supplies", "VALUE": "0000303000" }, { "NAME": "Spare Parts", "VALUE": "0000304000" }, { "NAME": "Packaging material", "VALUE": "0000305000" }, { "NAME": "Trading Goods", "VALUE": "0000310000" }, { "NAME": "Inventory - Returnable Packaging", "VALUE": "0000310200" }, { "NAME": "Inventory stock transfer", "VALUE": "0000380000" }, { "NAME": "Residual value stock in transfer CL", "VALUE": "0000385010" }, { "NAME": "Inventory - Subcontractors", "VALUE": "0000390000" }, { "NAME": "Clearing account CL", "VALUE": "0000399990" }, { "NAME": "Inventory taking (offset.entry) - Asset Accounting", "VALUE": "0000399997" }, { "NAME": "Inventory with Zero Value", "VALUE": "0000399998" }, { "NAME": "Clearing account - stocktake results", "VALUE": "0000399999" }, { "NAME": "Consumption, raw material 1", "VALUE": "0000400000" }, { "NAME": "Raw materials scrapped", "VALUE": "0000400001" }, { "NAME": "Raw materials consumed 2", "VALUE": "0000400010" }, { "NAME": "Materials consumed", "VALUE": "0000400020" }, { "NAME": "Consumption, raw material 1 for SCM550", "VALUE": "0000400080" }, { "NAME": "Consumption, chemicals for SCM550", "VALUE": "0000400444" }, { "NAME": "Consumption, raw material 2 for SCM550", "VALUE": "0000400550" }, { "NAME": "Consumption, office materials for SCM550", "VALUE": "0000400666" }, { "NAME": "Sundry inventory consumed", "VALUE": "0000403000" }, { "NAME": "Spare Parts", "VALUE": "0000404000" }, { "NAME": "Packaging materials consumption", "VALUE": "0000405000" }, { "NAME": "Purchasing packaging material", "VALUE": "0000405100" }, { "NAME": "Consumable Supplies", "VALUE": "0000405200" }, { "NAME": "Consumable supplies scrapped", "VALUE": "0000405201" }, { "NAME": "Usage: trading goods", "VALUE": "0000410000" }, { "NAME": "Trading goods scrap", "VALUE": "0000410001" }, { "NAME": "waste", "VALUE": "0000413000" }, { "NAME": "External procurement costs", "VALUE": "0000415000" }, { "NAME": "External procurement costs", "VALUE": "0000415001" }, { "NAME": "freight cost per order", "VALUE": "0000415002" }, { "NAME": "External Procurement / Hours", "VALUE": "0000415100" }, { "NAME": "Electricity (fixed portion)", "VALUE": "0000416100" }, { "NAME": "Electricity (variable portion)", "VALUE": "0000416200" }, { "NAME": "Water", "VALUE": "0000416300" }, { "NAME": "Heating", "VALUE": "0000416302" }, { "NAME": "Purchased services", "VALUE": "0000417000" }, { "NAME": "Purchased services", "VALUE": "0000417001" }, { "NAME": "Cleaning costs", "VALUE": "0000417100" }, { "NAME": "Provision -loss of raw materials & consumables", "VALUE": "0000419000" }, { "NAME": "Direct labor costs", "VALUE": "0000420000" }, { "NAME": "Indirect labor costs", "VALUE": "0000421000" }, { "NAME": "Downtime pay", "VALUE": "0000422000" }, { "NAME": "Overtime premiums labor cost", "VALUE": "0000422100" }, { "NAME": "Steel Costs", "VALUE": "0000424220" }, { "NAME": "Electrical Costs", "VALUE": "0000424230" }, { "NAME": "Salaries - base wages", "VALUE": "0000430000" }, { "NAME": "Salaries & Wages", "VALUE": "0000430100" }, { "NAME": "Benefits", "VALUE": "0000430200" }, { "NAME": "Recruiting Costs", "VALUE": "0000430300" }, { "NAME": "Internal Training", "VALUE": "0000430410" }, { "NAME": "External Training", "VALUE": "0000430420" }, { "NAME": "Heating", "VALUE": "0000430600" }, { "NAME": "Heating", "VALUE": "0000430601" }, { "NAME": "Heating 02", "VALUE": "0000430602" }, { "NAME": "Heating 03", "VALUE": "0000430603" }, { "NAME": "Heating 04", "VALUE": "0000430604" }, { "NAME": "Heating 05", "VALUE": "0000430605" }, { "NAME": "Heating 06", "VALUE": "0000430606" }, { "NAME": "Heating 07", "VALUE": "0000430607" }, { "NAME": "Heating 08", "VALUE": "0000430608" }, { "NAME": "Heating 09", "VALUE": "0000430609" }, { "NAME": "Heating 10", "VALUE": "0000430610" }, { "NAME": "Heating 11", "VALUE": "0000430611" }, { "NAME": "Heating 12", "VALUE": "0000430612" }, { "NAME": "Heating13", "VALUE": "0000430613" }, { "NAME": "Heating 14", "VALUE": "0000430614" }, { "NAME": "Heating 15", "VALUE": "0000430615" }, { "NAME": "Heating 16", "VALUE": "0000430616" }, { "NAME": "Heating 17", "VALUE": "0000430617" }, { "NAME": "Heating 18", "VALUE": "0000430618" }, { "NAME": "Heating 19", "VALUE": "0000430619" }, { "NAME": "Heating 20", "VALUE": "0000430620" }, { "NAME": "Heating 21", "VALUE": "0000430621" }, { "NAME": "Heating 22", "VALUE": "0000430622" }, { "NAME": "Heating 23", "VALUE": "0000430623" }, { "NAME": "Heating 24", "VALUE": "0000430624" }, { "NAME": "Heating 24", "VALUE": "0000430625" }, { "NAME": "Heating 26", "VALUE": "0000430626" }, { "NAME": "Heating 27", "VALUE": "0000430627" }, { "NAME": "Heating 28", "VALUE": "0000430628" }, { "NAME": "Heating 29", "VALUE": "0000430629" }, { "NAME": "Heating 30", "VALUE": "0000430630" }, { "NAME": "Otros Gastos Relacionados con Salarios", "VALUE": "0000430900" }, { "NAME": "Salaries - overtime", "VALUE": "0000431000" }, { "NAME": "Other wage-related expenses", "VALUE": "0000431900" }, { "NAME": "Salaries - medical/sickness", "VALUE": "0000432000" }, { "NAME": "Bonus", "VALUE": "0000433000" }, { "NAME": "Holiday and vacation pay", "VALUE": "0000434000" }, { "NAME": "Annual Bonus", "VALUE": "0000435000" }, { "NAME": "Legal social expenses", "VALUE": "0000440000" }, { "NAME": "Gastos de Previsión Social", "VALUE": "0000440100" }, { "NAME": "Pension Scheme Contributions", "VALUE": "0000445000" }, { "NAME": "Employers Liability Insurance", "VALUE": "0000446000" }, { "NAME": "Employee Health Insurance", "VALUE": "0000447000" }, { "NAME": "Other personnel expenses", "VALUE": "0000449000" }, { "NAME": "Base value for tax on company cars", "VALUE": "0000449100" }, { "NAME": "Building maintenance costs", "VALUE": "0000451000" }, { "NAME": "Machinery and equipment maintenance", "VALUE": "0000452000" }, { "NAME": "Maintenance costs Budget = Actual", "VALUE": "0000453000" }, { "NAME": "Other maintenance costs", "VALUE": "0000459000" }, { "NAME": "Net worth tax", "VALUE": "0000460000" }, { "NAME": "Bill of exchange tax", "VALUE": "0000462000" }, { "NAME": "Trading capital tax", "VALUE": "0000463000" }, { "NAME": "Motor vehicle tax", "VALUE": "0000464000" }, { "NAME": "Other taxes", "VALUE": "0000465000" }, { "NAME": "Other taxes", "VALUE": "0000465001" }, { "NAME": "Payroll tax expense", "VALUE": "0000465100" }, { "NAME": "Insurances", "VALUE": "0000466000" }, { "NAME": "Occupancy costs", "VALUE": "0000470000" }, { "NAME": "Food (see Account Assignment Text)", "VALUE": "0000470101" }, { "NAME": "IS-RE Apportionable operating costs", "VALUE": "0000470400" }, { "NAME": "IS-RE Apportionable operating costs", "VALUE": "0000470410" }, { "NAME": "IS-RE Apportionable operating costs", "VALUE": "0000470420" }, { "NAME": "RE Cred.remainder ope.costs master sett. unit", "VALUE": "0000470498" }, { "NAME": "IS-RE Credit apportionable operating costs", "VALUE": "0000470499" }, { "NAME": "IS-RE Settlement-rental agreements operating costs", "VALUE": "0000470500" }, { "NAME": "IS-RE Settl.-rental agreements op. csts w/o clear.", "VALUE": "0000470510" }, { "NAME": "RE Settlement - rental units operating costs", "VALUE": "0000470520" }, { "NAME": "RE Settlement - own use operating costs", "VALUE": "0000470580" }, { "NAME": "RE Break down DC operating costs", "VALUE": "0000470590" }, { "NAME": "RE Imputed expense vacancy rent", "VALUE": "0000470700" }, { "NAME": "RE Clearing-vacancy operating costs advance pyt", "VALUE": "0000470750" }, { "NAME": "IS-RE Expenses for management of rental objects", "VALUE": "0000470800" }, { "NAME": "IS-RE Clearing-real estate rental management exp.", "VALUE": "0000470850" }, { "NAME": "IS-RE Expenses for non-deductible input tax", "VALUE": "0000470900" }, { "NAME": "RE Expenses for non-deductible input tax/assets", "VALUE": "0000470910" }, { "NAME": "IS-RE Settlement-op.costs non-deductible input tax", "VALUE": "0000470950" }, { "NAME": "IS-RE Clearing - op.costs non-deductible input tax", "VALUE": "0000470999" }, { "NAME": "Machinery rental", "VALUE": "0000471000" }, { "NAME": "Interim Account", "VALUE": "0000471100" }, { "NAME": "Dispatch/Shipping costs", "VALUE": "0000472000" }, { "NAME": "Postage", "VALUE": "0000473000" }, { "NAME": "Telephone (basic fees)", "VALUE": "0000473110" }, { "NAME": "Telephone usage", "VALUE": "0000473120" }, { "NAME": "Travel expenses - lump sum allowances", "VALUE": "0000474100" }, { "NAME": "Travel expenses/accommodation (docs/flat rates)", "VALUE": "0000474210" }, { "NAME": "T&E - Airfare", "VALUE": "0000474212" }, { "NAME": "Travel expenses/meals - (docs/flat rates)", "VALUE": "0000474220" }, { "NAME": "Travel expenses drive/fly (docs/flat rates)", "VALUE": "0000474230" }, { "NAME": "Travel costs, other", "VALUE": "0000474240" }, { "NAME": "Trip costs, entertainment", "VALUE": "0000474250" }, { "NAME": "Travel costs: Paid documents", "VALUE": "0000474260" }, { "NAME": "Travel expenses - lump sum tax (income tax)", "VALUE": "0000474280" }, { "NAME": "Travel Expenses - loan", "VALUE": "0000474290" }, { "NAME": "Trip costs, cash advance", "VALUE": "0000474295" }, { "NAME": "Rent Expenses", "VALUE": "0000474400" }, { "NAME": "Company car costs", "VALUE": "0000475000" }, { "NAME": "Market Event - Gener", "VALUE": "0000475510" }, { "NAME": "Office supplies", "VALUE": "0000476000" }, { "NAME": "Data processing supplies expenses", "VALUE": "0000476100" }, { "NAME": "External Services", "VALUE": "0000476300" }, { "NAME": "Training Costs", "VALUE": "0000476400" }, { "NAME": "Other administrative expenses", "VALUE": "0000476500" }, { "NAME": "Other general expenses", "VALUE": "0000476900" }, { "NAME": "Advertising and Sales costs", "VALUE": "0000477000" }, { "NAME": "Trade Shows (See Account Assignment Txt)", "VALUE": "0000477001" }, { "NAME": "Instructor Fees", "VALUE": "0000477050" }, { "NAME": "Marketing Presents (see Account Assignment Text)", "VALUE": "0000477100" }, { "NAME": "Marketing presents I(see Account Assignment Text)", "VALUE": "0000477200" }, { "NAME": "Representation (see Account Assignment Text)", "VALUE": "0000477300" }, { "NAME": "Marketing/Sales Rep. costs", "VALUE": "0000478000" }, { "NAME": "Bank Charges", "VALUE": "0000479000" }, { "NAME": "TR-TM: Other expense - financial transactions", "VALUE": "0000479100" }, { "NAME": "Cost-accounting depreciation", "VALUE": "0000481000" }, { "NAME": "Minor assets - direct method", "VALUE": "0000481100" }, { "NAME": "Write-off of uncollectible receivables", "VALUE": "0000481200" }, { "NAME": "Taxbased depreciation", "VALUE": "0000482000" }, { "NAME": "Imputed interest", "VALUE": "0000483000" }, { "NAME": "Estimated depreciation - other", "VALUE": "0000484000" }, { "NAME": "Other estimated costs", "VALUE": "0000489000" }, { "NAME": "IS-RE Lease Costs", "VALUE": "0000490000" }, { "NAME": "RE Cred.remainder ope.costs master sett. unit", "VALUE": "0000490498" }, { "NAME": "Reconciliation FI-CO (internal postings)", "VALUE": "0000499998" }, { "NAME": "Reconciliation FI-CO (external postings)", "VALUE": "0000499999" }, { "NAME": "Transfer Marketing Costs", "VALUE": "0000609080" }, { "NAME": "Internal Stock Changes", "VALUE": "0000689100" }, { "NAME": "Internal revenue (profit center)", "VALUE": "0000698000" }, { "NAME": "Internal stock changes", "VALUE": "0000698100" }, { "NAME": "Internal transfers", "VALUE": "0000698200" }, { "NAME": "Function area bill of exchange", "VALUE": "0000699999" }, { "NAME": "Unfinished products", "VALUE": "0000790000" }, { "NAME": "Work in process from external procurement", "VALUE": "0000790010" }, { "NAME": "Products being processed", "VALUE": "0000791000" }, { "NAME": "Finished goods inventory", "VALUE": "0000792000" }, { "NAME": "Finished goods inventory", "VALUE": "0000792500" }, { "NAME": "Work in process", "VALUE": "0000793000" }, { "NAME": "WIP that cannot be capitalized", "VALUE": "0000793005" }, { "NAME": "Inventory (own goods)", "VALUE": "0000799999" }, { "NAME": "Sales revenues - domestic - finished goods", "VALUE": "0000800000" }, { "NAME": "Sales revenues - domestic - services", "VALUE": "0000800001" }, { "NAME": "Sales revenues - domestic - OEM goods", "VALUE": "0000800002" }, { "NAME": "Sales revenues (for eg.s not forwarded to CO-PA)", "VALUE": "0000800200" }, { "NAME": "Inventory changes (profit center)", "VALUE": "0000800997" }, { "NAME": "Internal transfers (profit center)", "VALUE": "0000800998" }, { "NAME": "Internal revenue (profit center)", "VALUE": "0000800999" }, { "NAME": "Foreign revenues: internally mfd goods", "VALUE": "0000801000" }, { "NAME": "Sales revenues - foreign - services", "VALUE": "0000801001" }, { "NAME": "Sales revenues - foreign - trading goods", "VALUE": "0000801002" }, { "NAME": "Sales revenues - affiliated - finished goods", "VALUE": "0000802000" }, { "NAME": "Sales revenues - affiliated - services", "VALUE": "0000802001" }, { "NAME": "Sales revenues - affiliated - trading goods", "VALUE": "0000802002" }, { "NAME": "Tax clearing account - used parts", "VALUE": "0000804000" }, { "NAME": "Interest received (Posting without tax allowed)", "VALUE": "0000807000" }, { "NAME": "Sales revenue with cost centers", "VALUE": "0000808000" }, { "NAME": "Freight revenues - domestic", "VALUE": "0000809000" }, { "NAME": "Freight revenues - foreign", "VALUE": "0000809100" }, { "NAME": "Freight revenues - affiliated", "VALUE": "0000809200" }, { "NAME": "Other capitalized internal services", "VALUE": "0000810000" }, { "NAME": "Sales revenues - domestic - finished goods", "VALUE": "0000810200" }, { "NAME": "Sales revenues - domestic - finished goods", "VALUE": "0000810201" }, { "NAME": "Sales revenues - domestic - finished goods", "VALUE": "0000810300" }, { "NAME": "Sales revenues - domestic - finished goods", "VALUE": "0000810301" }, { "NAME": "Sales revenues - domestic - finished goods", "VALUE": "0000810400" }, { "NAME": "Sales revenues - domestic - finished goods", "VALUE": "0000810401" }, { "NAME": "Income from activated settled orders", "VALUE": "0000811000" }, { "NAME": "Proceeds from disposal/sale fixed assets", "VALUE": "0000820000" }, { "NAME": "Suspense a/c - disposal/sale fixed assets", "VALUE": "0000825000" }, { "NAME": "Sales revenue of order settlements", "VALUE": "0000830000" }, { "NAME": "RE Revenue from third-party usage rent", "VALUE": "0000841000" }, { "NAME": "RE Other rental revenue (third-party/own)", "VALUE": "0000841050" }, { "NAME": "RE Revenue from operating costs flat rates", "VALUE": "0000841070" }, { "NAME": "RE Revenue from rent - own use", "VALUE": "0000841080" }, { "NAME": "IS-RE Rev.from writing back advance payment op.cst", "VALUE": "0000841090" }, { "NAME": "RE Clearing operating costs advance payment", "VALUE": "0000841099" }, { "NAME": "IS-RE Adv.pyt receivables update - operating costs", "VALUE": "0000841100" }, { "NAME": "IS-RE Adv.pyt update - operating costs", "VALUE": "0000841110" }, { "NAME": "IS-Re Adv.pyt update - sales-based rent", "VALUE": "0000841120" }, { "NAME": "IS-RE Rental deposit update", "VALUE": "0000841130" }, { "NAME": "Write-off of uncollectible receivables", "VALUE": "0000841200" }, { "NAME": "RE Rev.from third-party usage op.costs settl.", "VALUE": "0000841500" }, { "NAME": "RE Rev.from own use operating costs settlement", "VALUE": "0000841580" }, { "NAME": "IS-RE (accrued) rent paid in arrears", "VALUE": "0000841680" }, { "NAME": "IS-RE (deferred) rent paid in advance", "VALUE": "0000841690" }, { "NAME": "RE Imputed revenue from vacancy rent", "VALUE": "0000841700" }, { "NAME": "IS-RE Rev.from vacancy operating costs advance pyt", "VALUE": "0000841750" }, { "NAME": "RE Revenue from management of rental objects", "VALUE": "0000841800" }, { "NAME": "IS-RE Clearing-real estate rental management rev.", "VALUE": "0000841850" }, { "NAME": "IS-RE Revenue from non-deductible input tax", "VALUE": "0000841900" }, { "NAME": "IS-RE Revenue from deductible input tax/fxd asset", "VALUE": "0000841910" }, { "NAME": "Freight provision (MM)", "VALUE": "0000861000" }, { "NAME": "Customs provision (MM)", "VALUE": "0000862000" }, { "NAME": "Operating profit of development order settlements", "VALUE": "0000871000" }, { "NAME": "Operating profit of construction order settlements", "VALUE": "0000872000" }, { "NAME": "Revenue Capital Lease", "VALUE": "0000875000" }, { "NAME": "Customer discounts", "VALUE": "0000880000" }, { "NAME": "Discounts loss (Net method)", "VALUE": "0000880010" }, { "NAME": "Business area clearing - customer discount", "VALUE": "0000880099" }, { "NAME": "Unallowed customer discounts", "VALUE": "0000881000" }, { "NAME": "Clearing unallowed deduction / Business area clear", "VALUE": "0000881099" }, { "NAME": "Sales rebates", "VALUE": "0000883000" }, { "NAME": "Sales bonuses", "VALUE": "0000884000" }, { "NAME": "Rebate accruals", "VALUE": "0000884010" }, { "NAME": "Sales deductions - domestic", "VALUE": "0000888000" }, { "NAME": "Sales deductions - foreign", "VALUE": "0000888100" }, { "NAME": "Sales deductions - affiliated", "VALUE": "0000888200" }, { "NAME": "RE Rental - sales deduction (third party/own)", "VALUE": "0000888900" }, { "NAME": "Other sales deductions", "VALUE": "0000889000" }, { "NAME": "Cost of gestures of goodwill", "VALUE": "0000889500" }, { "NAME": "Semi-finished products consumed", "VALUE": "0000890000" }, { "NAME": "Scrapped material - own production", "VALUE": "0000890001" }, { "NAME": "Inventory change - own materials quality control", "VALUE": "0000890002" }, { "NAME": "Inventory change work in process", "VALUE": "0000891000" }, { "NAME": "Change in finished products inventory", "VALUE": "0000892000" }, { "NAME": "Inventory change in process", "VALUE": "0000893000" }, { "NAME": "WIP inventory that cannot be capitalized", "VALUE": "0000893005" }, { "NAME": "Cost of goods sold (without cost element)", "VALUE": "0000893010" }, { "NAME": "Cost of goods sold (with cost element)", "VALUE": "0000893015" }, { "NAME": "Inventory change - additions to co. produced goods", "VALUE": "0000893020" }, { "NAME": "Inventory change - add. to co. prod. goods no cost", "VALUE": "0000893025" }, { "NAME": "Inventory change - sales OEM products (without CE)", "VALUE": "0000894010" }, { "NAME": "ÝÉÏX - ©Ð»¢i", "VALUE": "0000894015" }, { "NAME": "Inventory change - additions OEM products", "VALUE": "0000894020" }, { "NAME": "Inventory change CSA - incoming foreign products", "VALUE": "0000894022" }, { "NAME": "Inventory change - foreign w.cost elemnt", "VALUE": "0000894025" }, { "NAME": "Inventory change - Cost of Goods Sold (Make-to-ord", "VALUE": "0000894030" }, { "NAME": "Factory output of production orders", "VALUE": "0000895000" }, { "NAME": "Inventory Provisions - devaluation", "VALUE": "0000896000" }, { "NAME": "Unappropriated retained earnings from previous yr", "VALUE": "0000900000" }, { "NAME": "Transfer of profits", "VALUE": "0000910000" }, { "NAME": "Clearing account for cost of goods sold", "VALUE": "0000910930" }, { "NAME": "Loss compensation", "VALUE": "0000920000" }, { "NAME": "Withdrawal from capital reserves", "VALUE": "0000930000" }, { "NAME": "Additions/withdrawals - legal reserves", "VALUE": "0000940010" }, { "NAME": "Additions/withdrawals - reserves own shares", "VALUE": "0000940020" }, { "NAME": "Additions/withdrawals - reserves req. by articles", "VALUE": "0000940030" }, { "NAME": "Additions/withdrawals - other surplus reserves", "VALUE": "0000940040" }, { "NAME": "Capitalization - deficit not covd by stkhldrs equ.", "VALUE": "0000950000" }, { "NAME": "Net loss not covered by stockholders' equity", "VALUE": "0000960000" }, { "NAME": "ALE Clearing Account", "VALUE": "0000990000" }, { "NAME": "Clearing Account for System SYS_GERM_1", "VALUE": "0000999000" }, { "NAME": "G/L-off setting a/c", "VALUE": "0000999920" }, { "NAME": "Value adjustment - other raw materials-Korrektur", "VALUE": "0000999999" }, { "NAME": "Retained Earnings", "VALUE": "0003169000" }, { "NAME": "Equities Designated Trading", "VALUE": "0010045000" }, { "NAME": "Bonds Designated Trading", "VALUE": "0010045001" }, { "NAME": "AR60/Leasing OL Office equipment", "VALUE": "0010047000" }, { "NAME": "AR60/Accum. depn - Leasing objects", "VALUE": "0010047010" }, { "NAME": "Provision FX spot rate Des. Trading Account", "VALUE": "0010085900" }, { "NAME": "Sonstige Rückstellungen Des. Trading", "VALUE": "0010089000" }, { "NAME": "Other provisions", "VALUE": "0010089600" }, { "NAME": "Accrued income lease repayments CL", "VALUE": "0010098200" }, { "NAME": "AR60/Accrued income lease payments interest CL", "VALUE": "0010098250" }, { "NAME": "AR60/Accrued income residual value EOL CL", "VALUE": "0010098300" }, { "NAME": "Accrued income lease payments interest CL", "VALUE": "0010099100" }, { "NAME": "Deferred income unearned income CL", "VALUE": "0010099600" }, { "NAME": "Fixed-term deposit receivables, Des. Trading", "VALUE": "0010113113" }, { "NAME": "Liability MM Des. Trading", "VALUE": "0010113114" }, { "NAME": "Clearing account for derivatives, Des. Trading", "VALUE": "0010119999" }, { "NAME": "AR60/Offset account lease payments OL/CL", "VALUE": "0010147010" }, { "NAME": "Sonstige Forderungen Des. Trading", "VALUE": "0010159100" }, { "NAME": "TR-TM: Ford. Optionsprämie Des. Trading", "VALUE": "0010159110" }, { "NAME": "TR-TM: Verb. Optionsprämie Des. Trading", "VALUE": "0010179110" }, { "NAME": "Sonst. Verbindlichkeiten Des. Trading", "VALUE": "0010179199" }, { "NAME": "Clearing account for FX, Des. Trading", "VALUE": "0010194100" }, { "NAME": "AR60/Clearing account phasing balance OL", "VALUE": "0010198000" }, { "NAME": "Clearing account lease payments derived CL", "VALUE": "0010198500" }, { "NAME": "Other writedowns", "VALUE": "0010209100" }, { "NAME": "Depreciation of equities Designated Trading", "VALUE": "0010212100" }, { "NAME": "Depreciation of bonds Designated Trading", "VALUE": "0010212101" }, { "NAME": "TR-TM: Verl. aus Abg. Finanzanl. Des. Trading", "VALUE": "0010214000" }, { "NAME": "Realised capital losses in bonds Designated Tradin", "VALUE": "0010214001" }, { "NAME": "Aufwendungen Amortisation AfS", "VALUE": "0010220000" }, { "NAME": "Losses from exchange rate fluctuations Desig.Trad.", "VALUE": "0010230000" }, { "NAME": "Appreciation of equities Designated Trading", "VALUE": "0010253000" }, { "NAME": "Appreciation of bonds Designated Trading", "VALUE": "0010253001" }, { "NAME": "Dividend Income Designated Trading", "VALUE": "0010272100" }, { "NAME": "Interest Income Designated Trading", "VALUE": "0010272101" }, { "NAME": "Realised capital gains from sales, Des. trading", "VALUE": "0010272500" }, { "NAME": "Realised capital gains in bonds designated Trad", "VALUE": "0010272501" }, { "NAME": "Realised capital gains in equities designated Trad", "VALUE": "0010275200" }, { "NAME": "Realised capital gains in bonds designated Trad", "VALUE": "0010275201" }, { "NAME": "Gains from exchange rate fluctuations Desig. Trad.", "VALUE": "0010280000" }, { "NAME": "Residual value stock in transfer CL", "VALUE": "0010385010" }, { "NAME": "AR60/Clearing account CL", "VALUE": "0010399990" }, { "NAME": "AR60/Unapp.retained earnings from previous yr", "VALUE": "0010900000" }, { "NAME": "Rückstellungen für Recyclinggebühren", "VALUE": "0010900050" }, { "NAME": "AR60/Clearing account IAS", "VALUE": "0010910000" }, { "NAME": "Equities Trading", "VALUE": "0011045000" }, { "NAME": "Bonds Trading", "VALUE": "0011045001" }, { "NAME": "Provision FX spot rate Trading", "VALUE": "0011085900" }, { "NAME": "Provision FX spot swap rate", "VALUE": "0011085910" }, { "NAME": "Cash Flow Hedge Reserve Commodity Derivatives", "VALUE": "0011087000" }, { "NAME": "Reserves for Futures trading under equity", "VALUE": "0011088000" }, { "NAME": "Reserves for FX trading under equity", "VALUE": "0011089000" }, { "NAME": "Fixed-term deposit receivables, Trading", "VALUE": "0011113113" }, { "NAME": "Liability MM Trading", "VALUE": "0011113114" }, { "NAME": "Clearing account for derivatives, Trading", "VALUE": "0011119999" }, { "NAME": "Sonstige Forderungen Trading", "VALUE": "0011159100" }, { "NAME": "TR-TM: Ford. Optionsprämie Trading", "VALUE": "0011159110" }, { "NAME": "TR-TM: Verb. Optionsprämie Trading", "VALUE": "0011179110" }, { "NAME": "Oth.pybles interest", "VALUE": "0011179199" }, { "NAME": "Position FX", "VALUE": "0011194100" }, { "NAME": "Other accruals IAS", "VALUE": "0011204000" }, { "NAME": "Other writedowns, financial transaction, Trading", "VALUE": "0011209100" }, { "NAME": "Depreciation of equities Trading", "VALUE": "0011212100" }, { "NAME": "Depreciation of bonds Trading", "VALUE": "0011212101" }, { "NAME": "TR-TM: Verl. aus Abg. Finanzanl. Trading", "VALUE": "0011214000" }, { "NAME": "Realised capital losses in bonds Trading", "VALUE": "0011214001" }, { "NAME": "Interest expense IAS", "VALUE": "0011220000" }, { "NAME": "Losses from exchange rate fluctuations Trading", "VALUE": "0011230000" }, { "NAME": "Appreciation of equities Trading", "VALUE": "0011253000" }, { "NAME": "Appreciation of bonds Trading", "VALUE": "0011253001" }, { "NAME": "Dividend Income Trading", "VALUE": "0011272100" }, { "NAME": "Interest Income Trading", "VALUE": "0011272101" }, { "NAME": "Realised capital gains from sales, Trading", "VALUE": "0011272500" }, { "NAME": "Realised capital gains in bonds Trading", "VALUE": "0011272501" }, { "NAME": "Interest Income IAS", "VALUE": "0011273100" }, { "NAME": "Realised capital gains in equities Trad", "VALUE": "0011275200" }, { "NAME": "Realised capital gains in bonds Trading", "VALUE": "0011275201" }, { "NAME": "Gains from exchange rate fluctuations Trading", "VALUE": "0011280000" }, { "NAME": "Other gain from financial transactions IAS", "VALUE": "0011299100" }, { "NAME": "Commodity Derivatives", "VALUE": "0011880000" }, { "NAME": "Gains from Commodity Derivatives", "VALUE": "0011881110" }, { "NAME": "FX Gains from Commodity Derivatives", "VALUE": "0011881120" }, { "NAME": "Loss from Commodity Derivatives", "VALUE": "0011881210" }, { "NAME": "FX Loss on Commodity Derivatives", "VALUE": "0011881220" }, { "NAME": "Commodity Fees and Comissions", "VALUE": "0011881500" }, { "NAME": "Equities AfS", "VALUE": "0012045000" }, { "NAME": "Bonds AfS", "VALUE": "0012045001" }, { "NAME": "Other Comprehensive Income AfS", "VALUE": "0012076000" }, { "NAME": "Provision FX spot rate AfS", "VALUE": "0012085900" }, { "NAME": "Sonstige Rückstellungen AFS", "VALUE": "0012089000" }, { "NAME": "Fixed-term deposit receivables, AFS", "VALUE": "0012113113" }, { "NAME": "Liability MM AfS", "VALUE": "0012113114" }, { "NAME": "Clearing account for derivatives, AFS", "VALUE": "0012119999" }, { "NAME": "Sonstige Forderungen AFS", "VALUE": "0012159100" }, { "NAME": "TR-TM: Ford. Optionsprämie AFS", "VALUE": "0012159110" }, { "NAME": "Option premium payable AfS", "VALUE": "0012179110" }, { "NAME": "Sonst. Verbindlichkeiten AFS", "VALUE": "0012179199" }, { "NAME": "Clearing account for FX, AFS", "VALUE": "0012194100" }, { "NAME": "Other writedowns", "VALUE": "0012209100" }, { "NAME": "Impairment loss equities AfS", "VALUE": "0012212200" }, { "NAME": "Impairment loss bonds AfS", "VALUE": "0012212201" }, { "NAME": "TR-TM: Verl. aus Abg. Finanzanl. AFS", "VALUE": "0012214000" }, { "NAME": "Realised capital losses in bonds -AfS", "VALUE": "0012214001" }, { "NAME": "Outgo from amortisation AfS", "VALUE": "0012220000" }, { "NAME": "Losses from exchange rate fluctuations AfS", "VALUE": "0012230000" }, { "NAME": "Dividend Income AfS", "VALUE": "0012272100" }, { "NAME": "Interest Income AfS", "VALUE": "0012272101" }, { "NAME": "Income Amortisation AfS", "VALUE": "0012272102" }, { "NAME": "Realised capital gains from sales, AFS", "VALUE": "0012272500" }, { "NAME": "Realised capital gains in bonds AfS", "VALUE": "0012272501" }, { "NAME": "Realised capital gains in equities AfS", "VALUE": "0012275200" }, { "NAME": "Realised capital gains in bonds AfS", "VALUE": "0012275201" }, { "NAME": "Gains from exchange rate fluctuations AfS", "VALUE": "0012280000" }, { "NAME": "Bonds HtM", "VALUE": "0013045001" }, { "NAME": "Other Comprehensive Income HtM", "VALUE": "0013076000" }, { "NAME": "Sonstige Rückstellungen HTM", "VALUE": "0013089000" }, { "NAME": "Fixed-term deposit receivables, HTM", "VALUE": "0013113113" }, { "NAME": "Liability MM HTM", "VALUE": "0013113114" }, { "NAME": "Derivate Trading Futures Asset", "VALUE": "0013119999" }, { "NAME": "Sonstige Forderungen HTM", "VALUE": "0013159100" }, { "NAME": "Sonst. Verbindlichkeiten HTM", "VALUE": "0013179199" }, { "NAME": "Clearing account for FX, HTM", "VALUE": "0013194100" }, { "NAME": "Other writedowns, fiancial transactions, HTM", "VALUE": "0013209100" }, { "NAME": "Impairment loss bonds HtM", "VALUE": "0013212201" }, { "NAME": "TR-TM: Verl. aus Abg. Finanzanl. HTM", "VALUE": "0013214000" }, { "NAME": "Outgo from amortisation AfS", "VALUE": "0013220000" }, { "NAME": "Losses from exchange rate fluctuations HtM", "VALUE": "0013230000" }, { "NAME": "Interest Income HtM", "VALUE": "0013272101" }, { "NAME": "Income Amortisation HtM", "VALUE": "0013272102" }, { "NAME": "Realised capital gains from sales, HTM", "VALUE": "0013272500" }, { "NAME": "Gains from exchange rate fluctuations HtM", "VALUE": "0013280000" }, { "NAME": "Bonds issued", "VALUE": "0014045001" }, { "NAME": "Sonstige Rückstellungen L&R", "VALUE": "0014089000" }, { "NAME": "Fixed-term deposit receivables, L&R", "VALUE": "0014113113" }, { "NAME": "Liability MM L&R", "VALUE": "0014113114" }, { "NAME": "Derivate Trading Futures Liability", "VALUE": "0014119999" }, { "NAME": "Sonstige Forderungen L&R", "VALUE": "0014159100" }, { "NAME": "Sonst. 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OL", "VALUE": "0015214000" }, { "NAME": "AR60/Profits on disposal/sale of fixed assets", "VALUE": "0015250000" }, { "NAME": "Income from asset write-up (overdepreciation)", "VALUE": "0015253000" }, { "NAME": "Realised capital gains from sales, AfS", "VALUE": "0015272500" }, { "NAME": "Office supplies", "VALUE": "0015478000" }, { "NAME": "AR60/Sales revenues - domestic - finished goods", "VALUE": "0015800000" }, { "NAME": "AR60/Suspense a/c - disposal/sale fixed assets", "VALUE": "0015825000" }, { "NAME": "AR60/Revenue Capital Lease", "VALUE": "0015875000" }, { "NAME": "AR60/Revenue Loss OL", "VALUE": "0015878000" }, { "NAME": "Sumitomo - JPY account", "VALUE": "0019112880" }, { "NAME": "Sumitomo JPY acc. other interim postings", "VALUE": "0019112885" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bank (domestic)", "VALUE": "0019113100" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bank - other postings", "VALUE": "0019113105" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bank - USD Account", "VALUE": "0019113150" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bk USD acc. other provisinal postings", "VALUE": "0019113155" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bank - CHF account", "VALUE": "0019113160" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bank CHF acc. other prov. postings", "VALUE": "0019113165" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bank - GBP account", "VALUE": "0019113170" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bank GBP acc. other interim postings", "VALUE": "0019113175" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bank - JPY account", "VALUE": "0019113180" }, { "NAME": "Deutsche Bank JPY acc. other interim postings", "VALUE": "0019113185" }, { "NAME": "Dresdner Bank (domestic)", "VALUE": "0019113200" }, { "NAME": "Dresdner Bank - other interim postings", "VALUE": "0019113205" }, { "NAME": "Dresdner Bank - USD Account", "VALUE": "0019113250" }, { "NAME": "Dresdner Bk USD acc. other provisinal postings", "VALUE": "0019113255" }, { "NAME": "Interest receivable IAS", "VALUE": "0019152000" }, { "NAME": "Repayments SEC and sales BNL receivable IAS", "VALUE": "0019152155" }, { "NAME": "Other receivables IAS", "VALUE": "0019159100" }, { "NAME": "Capital gains tax IAS", "VALUE": "0019220600" }, { "NAME": "Interest Income TAX IAS", "VALUE": "0019220601" }, { "NAME": "Solidarity TAX IAS", "VALUE": "0019220602" }, { "NAME": "Equities Current Assets", "VALUE": "0021045000" }, { "NAME": "Bonds Current Assets", "VALUE": "0021045001" }, { "NAME": "Provision FX spot rate", "VALUE": "0021085900" }, { "NAME": "Provision FX spot swap rate", "VALUE": "0021085910" }, { "NAME": "Sonstige Rückstellungen UV", "VALUE": "0021089000" }, { "NAME": "Fixed term deposit receivables", "VALUE": "0021113113" }, { "NAME": "Liability MM UV", "VALUE": "0021113114" }, { "NAME": "Clearing account for derivatives, UV", "VALUE": "0021119999" }, { "NAME": "Sonstige Forderungen UV", "VALUE": "0021159100" }, { "NAME": "TR-TM: Ford. Optionsprämie UV", "VALUE": "0021159110" }, { "NAME": "TR-TM: Verb. Optionsprämie UV", "VALUE": "0021179110" }, { "NAME": "Sonst. Verbindlichkeiten UV", "VALUE": "0021179199" }, { "NAME": "Clearing account Foreing Exchange", "VALUE": "0021194100" }, { "NAME": "Other accruals HGB", "VALUE": "0021204000" }, { "NAME": "Other writedowns, financial transaction, UV", "VALUE": "0021209100" }, { "NAME": "Depreciation of equities Current Assets", "VALUE": "0021212100" }, { "NAME": "Depreciation of bonds Current Assets", "VALUE": "0021212101" }, { "NAME": "TR-TM: Verl. aus Abg. Finanzg. UV", "VALUE": "0021214000" }, { "NAME": "Realised capital losses in bonds Current Assets", "VALUE": "0021214001" }, { "NAME": "Interest expense CA", "VALUE": "0021220000" }, { "NAME": "Losses from exchange rate fluctuations Current Ass", "VALUE": "0021230000" }, { "NAME": "Appreciation of equities Current Assets", "VALUE": "0021253000" }, { "NAME": "Appreciation of bonds Current Assets", "VALUE": "0021253001" }, { "NAME": "Dividend Income Current Assets", "VALUE": "0021272100" }, { "NAME": "Interest Income Current Assets", "VALUE": "0021272101" }, { "NAME": "Income from amortisation current asset", "VALUE": "0021272102" }, { "NAME": "Realised capital gains from sales, UV", "VALUE": "0021272500" }, { "NAME": "Realised capital gains in bonds CA", "VALUE": "0021272501" }, { "NAME": "Interest Income HGB", "VALUE": "0021273100" }, { "NAME": "Realised capital gains in equities Current Assets", "VALUE": "0021275200" }, { "NAME": "Gains from exchange rate fluctuations CA", "VALUE": "0021280000" }, { "NAME": "Other gain from financial transactions HGB", "VALUE": "0021299100" }, { "NAME": "Commodity Derivatives", "VALUE": "0021880000" }, { "NAME": "Gains from Commodity derivatives", "VALUE": "0021881110" }, { "NAME": "FX Gains from Commodity Derivatives", "VALUE": "0021881120" }, { "NAME": "Loss from Commodity Derivatives", "VALUE": "0021881210" }, { "NAME": "FX Loss on Commodity Derivatives", "VALUE": "0021881220" }, { "NAME": "Commodity Fees and Comissions", "VALUE": "0021881500" }, { "NAME": "Equities fixed Assets", "VALUE": "0022045000" }, { "NAME": "Bonds Fixed Assets", "VALUE": "0022045001" }, { "NAME": "Sonstige Rückstellungen AV", "VALUE": "0022089000" }, { "NAME": "Fixed-term deposit receivables, AV", "VALUE": "0022113113" }, { "NAME": "Liability MM AV", "VALUE": "0022113114" }, { "NAME": "Clearing account for derivatives, AV", "VALUE": "0022119999" }, { "NAME": "Sonstige Forderungen AV", "VALUE": "0022159100" }, { "NAME": "Sonst. 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Between these two zpacks, I can get all the data I need to populate picklists for PO creation. The last thing I need is a way to get a list of materials I can add to my po. These are the actual products I will be buying. This is done using the zpack
{ "JSON": { "RESPONSE": [{ "MATERIAL": "T-M15A14", "MATERIAL_GROUP": "", "DESCRIPTION": "Slug for spiral casing", "INFO_REC": "5300004347", "PURCH_ORG": "1000", "INFO_TYPE": "0", "PLANT": "", "DELETE_IND": "", "CREATED_AT": "2003-02-24", "CREATED_BY": "RENDES", "PUR_GROUP": "001", "CURRENCY": "EUR", "BONUS": "", "BONUS_QTY": "", "MIN_PO_QTY": 0.0, "NRM_PO_QTY": 100.0, "PLND_DELRY": 10, "OVERDELTOL": 0.0, "UNLIMITED": "", "UNDER_TOL": 0.0, "QUOTATION": "", "QUOT_DATE": "0000-00-00", "RFQ_NO": "", "RFQ_ITEM": "00000", "RFQ_CANC": "", "AMORT_FROM": "0000-00-00", "AMORT_TO": "0000-00-00", "AMORT_QTY": 0.0, "AMORT_VAL": 0.0, "AMORT_TQTY": 0.0, "AMORT_TVAL": 0.0, "AMORT_RES": "", "DOC_CAT": "F", "PO_NUMBER": "4500022392", "PO_ITEM": "00010", "LAST_PO": "2017-03-01", "NET_PRICE": 0.0, "PRICE_UNIT": 1, "ORDERPR_UN": "ST", "PRICE_DATE": "0000-00-00", "CONV_NUM1": 1, "CONV_DEN1": 1, "NO_MATTEXT": "", "GR_BASEDIV": "", "EFF_PRICE": 0.0, "COND_GROUP": "", "NO_DISCT": "", "ACKN_REQD": "", 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